I don't know if anyone still reads this blog -- and I'm sure some people will be pissed because all I do on it now is promote my book or whatever -- but it would be a shame if I didn't come here to announce that the paperback of HACK was released today. There's even a picture of my face on the cover (not my idea, but I didn't have too much of a choice). Anyway, I'm pretty proud of it, and I hope you will all enjoy it if you never got around to getting the hardcover.
I guess while I'm here, I'll give a little update. If you're reading this, you're aware that I don't really write on this blog anymore. And there's a reason for that. Or a lot of reasons, actually. One is that I don't drive the cab as much anymore -- I'm burned out. There are so many things I love about being a cabbie -- primarily the people and the adventure, the unpredictability of each shift, and the endlessly fun game of discovering unusual places in New York -- but there are also a few things I could never come to terms with, like traffic and accidents and all the abuse that is so regularly heaped on New York's cabbies. This is why I stay away when I'm not desperate for cash.
But that's the other beauty of cab-driving: you can pick up a shift when you need some fast money, and chances are, you'll make a few dollars. Which is why I drive every now and then, but not very often.
The thing is, I never thought about any of this as a forever sort of deal. I knew when I started this adventure that I would drive the cab until I didn't want to anymore, and the same goes for the blog.
I keep my hack license current for the same reasons I keep the blog online, because who the fuck knows what will happen? Maybe one day I'll need to go back to driving as my main source of income. And maybe one day I'll again have something I want to put out there via blogspot -- and hopefully when that happens, like now, there will be someone left somewhere that gives a shit.
That all being said, I can still bring one small dispatch from the taxi world, via my old-time cabbie buddy Bob. I was walking down Bushwick Avenue Friday night (because, didn't I mention? I'm a hooker now)(just kidding), when I heard my name being called from across the street. It was Bob, sitting in the front seat of his cab, having just dropped off somewhere in the neighborhood and on his way back to where the hipsters are.
He went off-duty and we talked for over an hour. He told me that the gas prices are killing everyone -- taking away another $15 to $20 a night, bringing the fees up to near $200. He also told me that business is dead-slow now too, so everyone's doubly fucked. But he's still hustling, sometimes taking breaks to do some Yoga mid-shift (smart guy -- I need to learn from him) and doing his best to stay healthy. Another friend of ours isn't doing so well -- he got cancer and can't make it back to work. Also, Billy, the guy who used to pee himself, is apparently off the streets for good. Some sad shit, right there.
While sitting in his cab, he pointed out some relatively new apartment buildings on Bushwick Ave and said, "See those buildings there? Back in the '80s this used to be a giant abandoned lot filled with homeless people. It was like a tent city. And around the corner, on Johnson and Morgan, there's a traffic island there that used to be the biggest open-air drug market in the city."
These areas, for those who don't live in the city, have been deeply gentrified and are now brimming with artists, hipsters, post-grads, and nouveau yuppies.
Bob continued, a little mystified, "It's crazy how this neighborhood has changed."
I love seeing the city through Bob's eyes, along with some of the other old-time drivers.
Another buddy of mine from the garage -- who shall not be named to protect his marriage -- sends me picture messages practically every day of girls showing him their tits in the back, and sometimes the front, of his cab. What the fuck man? Why didn't that shit ever happen to ME?
Anyway, that's about it. I hope you're all doing great.

1 – 200 of 207 Newer› Newest»yeah, there are still a few of us keeping an eye out for the errant cabbie;) Glad to hear your still out and about. I'm one of those who never did manage to get the hardcover, but I'll pick up the paperback-I pretty much only read paperbacks cause I travel so much and hardcovers are too large and heavy. Good luck in whatever you end up doing and screw those people who give you shit over the blog, or lack thereof. We all have lives and they come first.
Yes, there are some blog readers left! Like me (from the Netherlands!!). And yes I was waiting for you, didn't know you were 'out of business' so to speak. So big surprise when my mailbox showed your message 'Anyone there?'. Haven't read your book yet and will buy a copy when I'm visiting NY in the fall this year.
Anyway, I really loved reading your blog. Please keep your blog online and come back whenever the time is right.
Melissa, I wish you all the best! Thanks a lot for your writings!!
Frank (The Netherlands)
Speaking as someone who still has his hack license lying around with the thought that if things ever really get bad there’s always that option, I can understand exactly what you’re describing.
This even though I haven’t driven the yellow beast in 18 years!
It never leaves you! It’s like being the veteran of a war, no matter how long you are away from it, you’ll always be able to talk shop and identify somewhat with those brave enough to get behind the wheel.
The city has changed! You really don’t have any idea of how much although you’re friend sounds like he might have been a peer of mine because I know exactly what he means about that part of Brooklyn.
Summers always sucked. Lots of tourists and out-of-towners and city dwellers always off to the Hamptons or Fire Island meant that there was less work to be found. It’s days like these I have to wonder if it ever made that much sense for them to take the radios out of yellow cabs.
Still dropping in to see what is up with you though. You should check out the tour guide license thing, I took it as a lark just to see how much of ‘the knowledge’ I retained.
A person always needs options!
I just thought I would check your blog and lucky me...today is the day you wrote something new. Thanks and best of life to you.
Add me to the list that still check the blog every once and a while. I'm glad to hear you are still alive and kickin'
I just thought I would check your blog, and yea! You posted. I read your book and really enjoyed it. I hope you will do more writing. Keep us posted.
Best Wishes,
Yo. I've been trying to get the book while in us but no bookstore had any. It pissed me off for real. Take care.
Hey yes, cabbie. I was keeping an eye out for you on the streets of the city, really, no longer in the online world. But you vanished from both places!
Hullo there.
Add me to the list of folks who still have you on my newsreader.
Glad to hear that life marches on for you.
Try to drop us a line a bit more often. Last October was a long time ago.
Hugs and kisses. :)
Hi! You're still in my RSS reader. Just wanted you to know that I bought your book in hardcover and enjoyed it very much.
I hope you'll consider blogging about other things you do aside from cab driving.
Weird... still have you in my bookmark and check on you about once a week since you dropped off the face of our Earth. Go figure I would check the day you post.
Glad to see you popped your head in. The book must be doing OK since they decided to paperback it and the lack of lack of money means less cab driving and in turn less postings, to our determent.
Good luck on things…. But that would probably means less postings… Boy am I conflicted…
I'm still here too.
First time commenter, long time reader from Australia.
Good work with the book. I hope it's gone well for you.
I still receive your updates through my newsfeeds, so whenever you decide to spew something out into the world wide web, it'll come ready and hot in my inbox :)
All of the best, looks likes your life's made a turn for the better.
I totally forgot I had even subscribed to this RSS feed. I'm glad to see this surprising little burst of life on this blog, as brief as it may turn out to be.
Yay! So glad to see an update on your blog...I've really missed hearing about your experiences...but we all understand you have to live your life! I'm glad you're doing well and I hope you'll let us in on the other adventures you have in the great city!!
Thanks for sharing!
I'm still here!
Although, I'll be honest and say that I'd forgotten about you until you showed back up on my feed.
I loved reading your blog when you were more prolific, and I understand that you're not driving all too often nowadays, but when you do: let us know!
We're still reading. Glad to see your book is finally out and you're doing well :)
You're still in my blog reader too; thrilled to see you highlighted today. Congrats on your success, I'll definitely be picking up that paperback for a summer read.
thank goodness for feeds - congrats on the paperback. i amazoned the hardcover down under and enjoyed it very much. i do miss the blogging though
good luck on your next adventures
Ain't nothing wrong with taking a break, and I'm glad the book has made it to paperback. Mazel tov!
Honest to God, your book was on my door step when I got home from work today. I ordered it from Amazon 6?, 8? months ago? Twenty pages in and loving that it is just the same as your blog, brings me into your world. I feel like I'm there too. I check in every so often, and today there you are. Have you ever read "Las Vegas Cabbie Chronicles"? (lvcabbiechronicles.blogspot.com) his style is similar to yours, excellent story teller also. I can identify with you both, I drove cab in Vegas from '00 till '05. Glad I did it, glad I'm not still doing it. Good luck with what ever you do, I'll keep checking in.
still reading from Upstate NY - frequent NYC vistor
Cool - you're back! Well, on your blog. Good is all I can write.
I'm still here and you're still in my feed reader. Lots of luck!
I'm a spanish girl. I read an article about you in the magazine "speak up" and I decided to check your blog. I think you are a very brave woman. Good luck
I still have you in my reader. I wish you the best, and I loved reading your book.
Glad to hear things seem to be going well with the book and all. As ever, you're an inspiration to all of us out here in blogland who wish to write, live in NYC and enjoy some success. Just do us all a favor and if you start up a new blog, link it on New York Hack so we can all find you again! :)
I was almost in NY on Monday, actually, until I had a little transpo-related nightmare of my own. Feel free to check my blog out for more info... I'm just glad you weren't in the area of Canal and Bowery the other day!
Peace and best wishes!
don't say "fuck" and "shit"!
Yes, still out here (via RSS reader). Thanks for posting an update. Was wondering where you had gone.
I read the hardcover version of your book. I like the new cover for the paperback.
rss = never any reason to stop following someone. Too much content is more of a problem than too little.
Glad to hear you are doing well enough to stay off the streets (in either form ;) Maybe you could change the blog name and write about whatever your new adventures are. Blogs show little refracted pieces of people; the value of the socialization is there regardless of the specialization.
My copy of your book is on my reading list under Knuth. I should probably bump it up if I want to get to it this millennium.
But what DO YOU DO Now? (i just finished yr book and am dying to know)
But what do you DO now?? I just finished reading your book and am dying to know!!
MJ, we're still here beleive it or not. I guess we hope you'll resume this blog at some time.
Thanks for checking in!
"Hack" is in paperback!? Great. I am too lazy to carry around the hardcover.
I used to drive a cab in San Diego. I enjoyed reading your posts everyday. And seeing New York through your camera.
And then you got famous and went away.
you know what is funny
is that now...there are going to be more and more people like me...
people who just read your book.
i do a radio show (Fresh Fruit - the longest running queer radio show in the country on KFAI) in Minneapolis and your book was sent to me...i get a lot of books and i do not read a lot of them...
i really enjoyed your book
and definitely lived through you vicarously
just like i know i was a carnie and auctioneer in another life - and have even lived them a bit this life - i am certain i have a cabbie in me. i am from minnesota and often get accused of being from NY...i guess i am direct. But i am also an artist and i chuckle as i visit your website for the first time and you think you are wrapping this baby up - on some level it is just starting...people are going to read your book and they are going to do what i did...look for your website
so please stay with us here
leigh combs
powderhonr park
Well Wooo Hooo! you're back
i knew i kept you in my favourites for a reason
also if i was ever in your cab i would Gladly show you my tits!
:0] i just luv your blog
Keep on Truckin, girl
(or hookin' (?) or whatever makes you happy)
I still check in every now & then, too. Got the book for Christmas and loved it. Glad to hear it's come out in paperback.
Hope all is going well for you.
Melissa, you're still on our blogroll at Readers and Writers Blog, although in the inactive section, because we felt that what you've written so far, even if you never file again, is still worth reading. Our blogroll page, by the way, links to a review we did of your site back in July 2007.
We try to maintain a diversity of well-written sites on our blogroll, and you're our taxi representative. We haven't replaced you because we haven't found anyone better.
Nice to hear from you again. Continued success with the book, and don't be a stranger.
Thanks for the update! I do check here a couple of times a week to see if you have posted. I wish you the best as you move forward, and will continue to look here for updates as to what is going on in your world. Congrats!
I had actually decided that if there was still nothing new here today, I would delete your bookmark. Well, I got my sign, and I'll keep checking in. Congrats on the success of your book.
I'm here, too! I'm so glad I checked your blog (I didn't have it on rss, for some reason). Thanks for updating. I read the book this past fall, and loved it.
Melissa, it's so lovely to see you posting. I said this before, but I'll say it again. I love your writing and your perspective on life. I hope you'll consider writing about whatever you are doing, and not just your cabbie adventures.
I check in now and again, and will continue to do so in the hopes of finding a new gift of your writing. Please don't disappear on us!
Yep, I come back sometimes too. I was just checking in, nice to see you. I just ordered the book!
Whoo hooo! A post at last!
I am still here.
Maybe you can talk about how the cabbie driver life is affected by high gas price?
I do hear a lot of agony from cabbie here.
Dont come here as often as I used to. Glad to here your book is out in paperback. I will definately get it. I have always enjoyed reading your blog whether it was about being a cabbie or promoting your book. A few of us I am sure will be keeping an eye out to see where you are heading next. Good luck in the future.
've Been following your blog since 2005, and i hope i get the chance to get your book soon...
I certainly hope that you keep this blog alive, like once every month or two...
Good luck, Melissa!
Cool to hear from you, sorry to hear about the guys not doing so well - glad you are though. Thanks for the heads up on the paper back.
I bet you still have a thousand stories to tell, yes??
anywho,, if you didn't hear it a thousand times already your blog has inspired me to write my own, and i'm sure it has inspired many others as well.
and shit, ya know you don't need to drive to write the fricken blog. well I better get back to the empty street.
Just thought I'd join the ones who commented to let you know your blog does get checked for updates. Haven't been here since the last one posted in Oct. (had a feeling you wouldn't for a spell) but it's nice to know you care enough to post once in a while. Enjoy your time out of the cab. I envy you. Wish I could semi-retire to what I have the talent to do (art) from what I do for a living (teach language to non-English speakers & attempt to teach art to the non-talented general population). Congrats on your success, even though I deplore your language.
Yeah. You don't write anymore. :-(
A good read Melissa has given us, with some good insight to the industry , how hard it is, and the funny things we experience all the time while driving through this crazy city.,,,and after reading that book, head on over to my site http://kingofnewyorkhacks.blogspot.com/
more stories and pics of my yellow cab experiences.
Glad all's well with you. Read your book, very good, thoroughly enjoyed it!
A big Hi from the London Taxi trade over here in the UK.($11 a gallon over here)
Keep the occasional update going!
G x
Something gave me the itch to come back here today and see if the blog was still alive. It is nice to see that you made a recent post. I hope everything is going well for you and the book is selling. I suppose now I must get a copy from Amazon.
You need to update someday just to let us know what has become of you and what your new career is going to be.
P.S. You are far too nice to live in NYC. Yes, I understand the draw of the city and I am not some uninformed yokel hollaring about how rotten New York is. I visit, there are nice things about that city. But I think you need to get out at some point. Remember the words that a columnist in Chicago once wrote: "Live in New York City once, but leave before it makes you hard; live in Northern California once, but leave before it makes you soft." (Mary Schmich)
Yeah, keeping a blog takes time but (a) it's nice for us to read and (b) all that writing helps you make sense of the world. Keep it going!
Hey I missed the regular updates, but I'm glad to know you're doing well.
Gentrification might be a great thing for many, but after moving from Philly to Denver (slightly off topic but still kinda tied in), I've gotta say I prefer the old buildings, shitty attitudes, and knowing what street I'm on by the smell. It's too GD cheerful and clean here. Enjoy NY.
hi! i actually reviewed your book on my blog recently, in fact, and listed it as one of my top 10 reads of 08 so far. really enjoyed it-- thanks for doing your thing & putting the stories out there. :)
Congratulation for your book, I will like to buy your book, but I have very dificult access to buy it, because I live in BRAZIL I'm student of English language, level intermediate, But I Understand some words, and I read your interview to magazine SPEAK UP, I love it, because I'm taxi driver here SANTOS - SP ...
God bless!
glad to see you back newyorkhack! missed your stories.
Hey I just found your blog..and who cares....I have some reading to catch up on!!! :-)
I love your cabbie postings, they actually remind me of how much I miss living in NY. I effin' want to move back now. Thanks for posting your cabbie experiences. I really think cab drivers are the safest drivers in the city. Some drivers (ahem, suburban) are so retarded and I think they should take the train/bus.
i dont care if its anything u will write I WILL READ IT. if its about a new job cool. or anything. i love your realness. I can relate to all the BS in the driving buisness.
Vinny - the FHV driver in staten island
Thanks for the update.
M, 64 people ahead of me in the line confirm that people still do look in here, hopeful there will have been a post (take the hint girl).
Like the design of the paperback And the hardback (which I have). If you went back to driving, you could begin writing the follow up book...
Cool! You're back!
I know a guy who came back from Iraq and did not recognize a lot of shops in the heart of Chinatown. I took a bunch of pictures of Mott, Doyer, and a few other streets and pasted them together into a super panorama. Kind of a documentation of what was there for posterity.
Who knows. Maybe a hundred years from now, some post grad will be using you book as source material for his doctoral thesis on the contibution of taxis to the social and cultural fabric of NYC. :D
Blogger King of New York Hacks said...
Well I read Melissa's book and it was a good read....since she isn't driving much anymore you can read about another hack at
I read your book in hardback after my taxi-driving blogging brother in Tampa recommended it. I was sorry when it ended 'cause I enjoyed it so much. Thanks for sharing your life as honestly as you did.
First time I've been on y'er blog. Your book sounds interesting. Will pick it up on the first chance I get.
Still here and still enjoy hearing the your stories about life behind the wheel of a cab.
Thanks for posting these interesting stories.
Didn't nobody never tell you? You can't publish just one book. You've got to keep 'em coming, one a year. That way people develop a taste, go back and buy the first book, keep the money rolling in. Write one book, you might as well not bother.
And you've got the touch.
Do the fascinating places in New York thing. Do Helene Hanff. Doesn't need to be a big thick square book, but there must be stories about the city that make you smile or cry or cheer.
Do something different. Get a ferryboat licence, tell us about the adventure of driving to Staten Island every day. Drive every weird vehicle in NYC you can think of. Drive one of those trucks that push the planes out of the gate. Be a bike courier (leave that till last, OK?)
Whatever. There's the difference between being someone of mild fame for a few weeks and a genuine beloved NYC character throwing out the first ball of the season to wild applause.
Me, I'm still driving cabs in Canberra, travelling the world. Thebiblioholic above sent me a little yellow cab model, maybe I'll mount it on the dashboard for a shift and read your book to my passengers.
But don't you give up on us, OK?
Pete, the Canberra Cabbie.
So glad to hear you are doing well. Hopefully we can hear more about your daily adventures, any thoughts about starting a new blog possibly? One with a different theme? You defintely have a knack for writing. Good luck with your book!
weh still here bizitch.
This probably won't make it on because it's not pandering enough but I'm actually really disappointed and why I'm not buying the book.
The same thing happened to Kevin Smiths blog. At first original and insightful but then a book deal come along and the talent, heart, and devotion are sucked down the toilet, and from that point forward it's just a dying shadow of what it used to be.
A pathetic slip of, "Remember when I used to be good? Buy my stuff! Available at Amazon now!"
Hack your stuff left and right fine, I get you have to make a dollar. But to forget about those who made your success, the people that created that following ... that audience that led way to that great deal? Without those people you would still be doing what you were doing before, and the gratitude you give is to die away slowly for 4 months posting very little of interest let alone topical except for what you're marketing followed by ignoring them for 10 months.
At least admit that you sold your fan base out, "got yours" and moved on.
I've been driving a taxi in Westchester for 15 years. I'm going to get a copy of your book. As far as the TLC forcing these GPS gadgets on drivers and fleet owners, I think that the drivers and owners of the taxis should be paid because the ads that are showing come from the billion dollar advertising industry.
I'm a little late in getting to this blog but check out this contest about working the night shift. Would be cool to see a cabbie win! www.prnewswire.com/mnr/sylvania/34063/
Almost took you off my favourites list but glad I didnt. Kepp writing and checking,please.
Wait you are a girl?
Melissa - I just finished the book & wrote a review on Amazon. It was very well done. Congrats! Best of luck to you in your next adventure.
Have been reccomending the book to all my customers, for most didn't even know about it but were very interested. Especially because I'm a Caucasian like you , they are full of questions , so I say go get Melissa's book, read her blog....an then head on over to my blog. People are very intrigued by what we do but certainly don't want to do it.So they can live vicariously through our material.Just like my blog which I hope all of you check it out. http://kingofnewyorkhacks.blogspot.com/
uh, yeah, with 78 people so far commenting I would say yes, people are still reading your blog!
Just wanted to show you something so cool my boyfriend found this morning. I have been flirting with getting a hack license so he was messin around and came accross it. Check this out: If you like it, post it for others to see, they might get a kick out of it! I think its pretty cool.
glad to see u r ok and living well!
check in with us and tell us what's up with you.
Hey MP,
I have said it b/4 but I quite honestly think that you are genuine and real & that is what counts. Stay safe and follow your own path......Peace, Janelle Ryleigh
man i have always dreeamed of leaving everything and going to NYC to be a cabbie. and i guess people are still reading your blog.
oke . ed. I read your book and really enjoyed it. I hope you will do more writing. Keep us posted.
Best Wishes,
"What the fuck man? Why didn't that shit ever happen to ME?"
Look at all these comments! You have tons of readers left. :)
This is a success story. Linking you with pleasure.
I'm reading your book and I don't blame you for not driving anymore.
Take care.
So I found your blog a week ago . . I read the entire blog in one sitting, it was intriguing and I could not peel myself away. Two days ago I bought your book and have read it. Now, I want more! You are a very good story teller. At the least let us know what is going on!
So awesome that your book was published...I haven't been to your blog in awhile and clicked the link today when I imported my blog to Facebook.
Even though you dont post often anymore I will be back to check on how things are going for you.
Congrats again on your book!
The paperback cover is waaay better than the hardcover, I like the pic a lot. Blogs come and go, but the book is out there, printed, and it is awesome, I´m about to finish it and I don´t want it to end.
being on my Around the World listing, I check in every so often to see if the blog has woken up.
Guess this post is more of a "still snoozing" call than a wake up but heck you've obviously got fans and don't need the ones like jennifer.
I still check every now and then. Thanks for the update!
Whatever you do Melissa, wherever life takes you, keep doing it as well as you have done so far.
And I'll check back every so often to see how you're having fun :)
I am out there. I just finished your book and it was great. I've visited New York many times so I could identify with a lot of the book as I am familiar with a lot of the locations.
I like the New York system of being able to hail a cab on the street. Where I'm from(Baltimore) you usually have to telephone for a cab and it can sometimes take an hour for the cab to come, Much longer on Saturday nights.
Very interesting blog. You should keep it up.
we keep up on a regular basis. Think about just posting on you, i don't know why but we get entranced.
very nice blog.. i love your writings very addicting!
I'll definitely check out this book, getting to know about another job/occupation is interesting.
good to hear from you again. things are indeed rough out there for us NY cabbies right now, but you never know what might come out of wrestling through a good 12 hour shift.
well I still read your blog (obviously when you put new posts on here) good luck with the book!! sounds like its doing very well indeed!!
I just found your book yesterday floating around Virgin-Mega-store. I've had the On-wee feeling for months already and thought, let me find a good read. When they say "don't judge a book by its cover" well I did, and found yours. It took away my alone feeling. Thanks...
I totally empathise with your feelings. But maybe there's a blog in you about your life in general? I bet you could write a fascinating blog about your life in New York and I mean about your ordinary, normal, everyday life. You have an eye and an ear and a touch for words that would make such a blog a must-read for many of us. Maybe there's a book in that too. I'll keep checking, like your other fans!
We need to find a cab driver who killed his two daughters in an "Honor Killing". He may be driving in New York. His name is Yaser (aka Yasser) Said. There is a $20,000+ bounty on his head.
This is the picture of Yaser Said:
Yaser Said
This a picture of the murdered girls:
Amina and Sarah
I will be presenting more information at my blog in due time:
Gringo Ranch Blogspot
He prefers driving from around midnight to around the early morning hours.
You can google to get considerable information on this murder.
I used to come and read your blog all the time, and then life happened and it got away from me. I would think about it though and the fact that your book would be coming out one day and I would pick it up to read it. I came online because as usual I couldn't sleep, and remembered your blog. I was so happy to see you were still here, but sad that it was on a rare occasion. I look forward to picking up your book. I wish you all the luck in the world with your life and I hope you get what you want out of it. Thank you for keeping me entertained for all those nights I couldn't sleep.
Miss the daily blog, maybe you can give us a weekly update? peace.
David - Indianapolis
there's still reading your blog
Your blog in "Blogs I Read" at homepage http://ya76oo.com (Funny Videos)
Hi there. I have just come across your blog and i do hope you will continue writing it. :) I love New york, thought I have been there only once so far. i spent there whole summer of 2002. New York is truly a state of mind. This is my fav photo: http://www.odyssei.com/travel-gallery/107875.html. :)
Hey Melissa.
Hadn't checked the blog in a long time. Nice to see you are OK. Was just out in NY myself couple weeks ago doing the tourist thing.
Take care.
What you need is a husband, I'm available!
Still read, still dream about you, still think your hot....still reading the book....still still still.....oh well, at least I'm not alone here LOL
I'm here and great to see you are alive and kicking.
You are so fucking awesome. I just read your book a couple weeks ago. All nite. In one sitting. I drove a cab in Durango, Colorado, for about 6 months. It seems that your NYC experience was relatively tame, compared to my own in Durango...reasons:
-It's a small, heavily populated college town/ski resort/tourist mecca. These people are concentrated; I think NYC's weirdos and crazies are scattered more evenly throughout the population. However, much of the same factors come into play, i.e., drunk 20-somethings, non-tipping Texan tourists, and Reservation Indians who try to weasel free 20 mile, $65 rides for free.
I don't know how you lasted 2+ years. I burned out relatively quickly, and then quit 90 days later. It was extreme fun from time to time, and paid well, but the things I couldn't stand were alcohol breath, DUI sob stories, and just the crude, seamy aspects of society that you come into contact with. The cops would ask us to transport people they didn't want to deal with: pukers, stinkers, fighters, etc.
Some positive notes were young, beautiful LUGs (Lesbians until Graduation), who would do body shots in exchange for reduced fares, and bored, lonely people who were willing to tip generously just for company and conversation. I had some great political discussions with some brilliant frikkin people.
Anyway, just wanted to say I really enjoyed your book, you seem like a seriously interesting person. Your stories made me want to seriously move to NYC and see if I could make it out there.
first time on ur blog...and i kinda like you...already thinking of buyin ur book...is it available in india?
ha, ha. i drove a cab for a year and quit. no one ever showed me their tits either.
I don't know if anyone still write this blog.... Hi Melissa, I'm the author of an italian blog on New York and Tokyo.
Do you know if your bokk exist in italian? Thank you
(myblog is www.zenandthecity.com, in italian:(
I drove a hack while at Boston College, then later to raise money for a business and most recently when my corporate job was downsized.
I agree with you about the abuse heaped on cabbies as well as your other reasons for cutting back but the potential and real danger, violence also weighed on me.
I was able to retire from the cab after finding a home based activity that worked well for me. I tell the story on my Squidoo Lens. http://www.squidoo.com/cashgiftingcabbie
I would like to buy your book. Is it in bookstores or should I order it online?
Chuck Rosseel
you may not know, but you just got a small promo on 'Jeunes' a learn-to-read french magazine (in french, by the way) in the November issue. I'm gonna see if I can still get my hands on a paper back! your style of writing is very intriguing. best of luck to you.
-13 year old chicagoan
I still read it.
Yo. I've been trying to get the book while in us but no bookstore had any. It pissed me off for real. Take care.
I used to read your blog a loong time ago, or maybe it wasn't but sure feels like it. Im buying your book off Amazon today.
happy holidays from sweden
Congrats to your success - a colleague in both ways, Jochen Lembke, "Europe's cab-driving writer", on the road and blogging in Brighton, England, now
hey there! very relate-able... i too am driving iron in the Palm Beaches to pick up extra cash during this downturn. i liked the blog... hope you fill it in more... i can say ditto to all the cabbie troubles you describe in NYC for us down here, tho gas is less of trouble...heh heh, nice little gift. hope to read more! ghb
Yes, there are some.
Leonardus Martins
Dignity of labor rocks!
Thank you sharing your experience!
Still visiting! Happy New Year!
As a cab driver and a part time blog surfer I find this post really funny. I commented out loud what a great photo this post has as I scrolled down and a cabbie behind me said "Hey, I heard of that book." I have never seen so many comments to a post though my experience isn't vast. After six months without a post the question now is "Are you there?". The book must gone well. Good for you. I salute a cabbie who gets out of the biz. That said I going to be a hack snob and say a cabbie doesn't even start to get a handle on the life till about five years of driving. I thought I was good at two years because I made decent money. Looking back I see I didn't know squat.(I am about at 11 years now.) Driving after an attempt on one's life is another water line. I tip my hat to anyone who has driven cab for no matter how long, though. :)
It's good to see that you are back. Taxi stories are awesome at times, and that's from me being in the industry for a year and a half.
Will you continue to post here??
I hear what you say about traffic. New york is famous or should i say infamous for its traffic but even here in relatively sleepy Liverpool UK the traffic is my main cause of stress, more people aggression than anything else.. sometimes i cope sometimes i dont. No one likes to lose it infront of a customer but sometimes people push you too far.
I miss your stories, Melissa..... and yes. I remember Billy. He was asleep under the stairwell one night when you got off your shift.
We all move on, and whether you go back to driving the 'yellow beast', or taming lions, I wish you the best.
Have a good one, hon.
Yes, still out here (via RSS reader). Thanks for posting an update. Was wondering where you had gone.
I read the hardcover version of your book. I like the new cover for the paperback.
Hi! You're still in my RSS reader. Just wanted you to know that I bought your book in hardcover and enjoyed it very much.
I hope you'll consider blogging about other things you do aside from cab driving.
CAthy in Wi
Still here, bought your book, still love it, still check up on ya occasionally.Peace.
Still here too. Congrats on the book!
Hey there, I just came across your book yesterday in the Madison Wi public library. It was in the newly arrived section and just couldn't put it down. I absolutely loved it. I ended up reading it the whole way through. Congratulations on putting out something so worthwhile and REAL. One of the best books I've read.
yay mel, awesome to see ya on here! albeit bloody months ago now, so unlikely that you will read this far down being a famous author and all that *grin*. Good for YOU girl! However, can't get the book here in New Zealand....will check out Amazon and hope they are obliging.
best, and all that - keep smiling, and driving...:-)
from Linda (KSG) in Aotearoa.
This is cool.
I bought one.
hope you'll be back Melissa.
baby, I still read it. It's still the best freaking blog in the world. What are you doing now?
Hi Derek
I just got the book in hand, excited to start reading.
It's after midnight in Japan. I'm gointo bed now.
Just arrived at home...tomorrow I'll go browsing for your book...145th comment...you've still got your blog readers...
xox Giovanna, Queens
hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....
still reading. i dispatch car service and got a hold of your book as a birthday gift. had read the blog before and find your stories to be familiar. will call complete.. :-)
WHERE ARE YOU????????????????
I need your posts.... please come back.....
Yes, I am.
This reader hasn't gone anywhere. Congrats on the book. Wishing you lots of readers of the paper variety.
Yup , I'm still here too Melissa ! Hope your enjoying your non-stop summer !!
yeah, there are still a few of us keeping an eye out for the errant cabbie;) Glad to hear your still out and about.
Email Marketing Solutions
Well congratulations on the book. I know what you mean about the good thing about driving a cab is you can pick up some quick cash fast. I drive only part time as well as I need to or sometimes just to network with some new people.
Cabby Ken
I just wanted to let you know that I just happened to see your book when browsing for something to read while going on a plane, and I couldn't put it down, I loved it.
Furthermore, I work in the Staten Island Barnes & Noble Bookstore and if people come up to me, asking me for a good recommendation, your book is one of the like top five that I suggest. I forget the sales numbers offhand, but I just wanted to let you know that you have some readers over in forgotten Staten Island.
Thank you [wonder if you'll ever see this comment lol]
book sounds interesting dying to read it.
Is this blogger gone for good now?
I'm fan of your blog , I really like all your posts,keep up the good work !
I actually don't read your blog but found out about it through my niece who has your book. You're a very talented contemporary writer. Did a great work on the book.
Nice insight to a New York cabbies life, congratulations on the book
congrats on the book I'm cheap so i'll wait for the softback version.
Wow its going to be 2 years since you last posted (well almost). Are you gone for good?! :(
Miss you're writing. What are you up to now? Are you still publicizing the paperback version or are you writing something else? Or what?
Just purchased your book on Amazon. Was a NYC hack driven in the early '80s. An amazing experience that still resonates. Wonder what you are up to now -- two years from your last post.
Best, Frank White
Nice to know that not all cabbies are dead bits :)
Best Regards,
AA Taxi ST Louis
Taxi Barcelona BCN We are proud to find people like you. I have been searching New York taxis and I discovered your blog. We are taxi drivers in Barcelone. I wish I could read a bit more of your book. Best Regads. Cristina From Barcelone
Been reading your excellent blog for quite a few weeks now, and i am enjoying many of your excellent topics. GetNew York Cab Fare
I just finished your book not too long ago and decided to check out your blog, as I thoroughly enjoyed the book and your many stories. I've only made it to NYC once but I will be heading back next spring & summer. I promise, if I am lucky enough to be your passenger, I will try to not quiz the shit out of you. I may, however, ask for a picture with you and flash you my tits! :)
I miss your posts.
I love your blog...
I used to drive a cab in San Diego. I enjoyed reading your posts everyday. And seeing New York through your camera.
And then you got famous and went away.
bleach subbed
you are so right
thanks for sharing this!
Hello Melissa,
I first read about you and your blog in an English language coursebook we use in Germany. What a surprise that your blog is real and not just a "textbook" thing. I liked it.
All the best,
What a funny and informative poster!!There will surely be some potential risks for the taxi drivers,but paying attention conterminously is a must for every road user.
its been three years, you should make a new post
I do still read the blog!
Nice post!!!!!!!!!!!
Wow. It's been nearly three years since I've last been here. I've missed this place and would be lying if I said I wasn't disappointed that there's only one "new" (which is new to me but not recently written) post--this one. I used to read your blog regularly and really used to look forward to new posts, but then the book deal happened and we didn't hear as much from you anymore. After a while, I got tired of waiting for new posts that just weren't coming and I kind of forgot about this place so I stopped coming. I'm only here today out of pure curiosity--I was wondering how you made out with the book deal and whether or not you were still writing. I guess I was also hoping that there might be a bunch of new posts for me to catch up on, but I wasn't that lucky.
In a way, I know that I don't really have any right to be disappointed because you probably don't even know any of us and you don't owe anyone here (including me) anything, but look no further than the comments here to see how many people were just left hanging, patiently waiting for your return. I think it's really sad that you abandoned your fans like this and I think perhaps your book might have sold a little bit better if you had kept in touch with your online fanbase, but in the end, it all boils down to choice, and I guess you just didn't want to do this anymore? We all have to respect that choice and move on with our lives as you are moving on with yours.
I may be back sometime to re-read some of the stories (or I might not), but I won't be looking for any new posts because I have a feeling that there isn't going to be any. Since there's been nothing written here in nearly three years, I'll take this post as being the closest thing to "goodbye" that we're going to get from you, and I'll wish you well with whatever you do in life, whether it be driving a cab or something else entirely. Good luck and goodbye, Melissa, and thanks for all the laughs.
I love this blog, and am really happy to hear that you are still out and about! Besh wishes and stay safe!
Very interesting. I love reading cabbie stories. Thank you for sharing this. A great read!
Hey, you still doing this occupation or did you move on?
I never had a girl show me her tits in my cab either, although one did give me a handjob once, that was nice.
Maybe if I didn't drive a cab in a sleepy suburb of san diego...
I made a note of it on my blog. I considered writing a book as well. I didn't get a chance to check yours out. Did you use many pictures - you know they're worth a thousand words.
Do let me know when you get a chance, you can hit me up on my blog.
Good luck - Henry
Hi Melissa. I'm from Ecuador. It's a pleasure to meet you! I met you because you're in one of my classes of english in the book unlimited of Cambridge to teaching english. I'm a teacher.
fernando calero
Very cool post!
Only one word : Fantastic!
Good to read a blog from the perspective of someone that drives in a big city. Down here in the panhandle of florida, we dont get too much excitement. Nice blog. I will have to get a copy of your book definately.
Definitely got to read your book. We dont get all the excitement here in the panhandle of florida as in the bigger cities up north. Great blog!
Add me to the list that still check the blog every once and a while. I'm glad to hear you are still alive and kickin'..
Thanks for post.
Airport Taxi
I really wish you would start writing again --------
I absolutely loved your book. This past weekend I was in NYC for the five boro bike tour with my son. Since I'm a bit of a pseudo NYC taxi nutjob, I brought my copy down to specifically give it to a well deserved hack - which I did, and he was most appreciative. I hope he enjoys it as much as I and others did/have!
Keep on blogging miss. funny how a black guy and a white gal can have similar lives.I also blog www.vinnyprice.blogspot.com and I'm about to take the taxi classes. would love to get some advice from you.
i still swing thru here periodically to see if there is an update... i wish there was.
loved your book.
Thanks for your post, I find it really interested to hear your perspective on things. My friend once took a taxi in richmond and actually had a great time talking with the driver about their life as a cab driver. What's your favorite part about being a cab driver? Thanks again.
Hey Melissa,
Met you at the movie/talk DRIVERS WANTED. Really liked hearing you that night. You told me about your book Hack and I picked up a coppy. Loved it and all your incredible story's! Thank you and Happy New Year!
Stan Gaz
What a funny and informative poster!!There will surely be some potential risks for the taxi drivers,but paying attention conterminously is a must for every road user.
I Love New York!
Wow that ωas ѕtrаnge. I just wrote an еxtrеmely long comment but after I сlicked submit my comment ԁidn't ѕhow up.
Grrrг... ωell I'm not writing аll that over again.
Anywaуs, just wanted to say excellеnt blog!
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Thanks for posting such valuable information. I in significance enjoyed reading your blog and make it both instructional and interesting.
Hello from Tokyo.
I was living in Boston when I was a regular reader of this blog. Now I'm in far east.
I really loved your writing style and finally picked up a copy across Pacific Ocean even it cost quite a fortune for oversea shipping.
But yeah.. it's that worth it.
I think you should continue this blog. You are impressive writer and I like reading your words.
Hello Melissa...
My name is Jay Schwartz and I am in San Diego, California.
I found a used copy of your hardcover book, HACK, in a Salvation Army thrift store here and have been reading it.
You are a great writer and also really know grammar, punctuation, and spelling.
I am curious what you have been up to these past few years. Perhaps you can write an update on this blog.
Wishing you and your readers a Wonderful and Fabulous 2014 New Year!
Jay Schwartz
San Diego, California
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