Thursday, September 13, 2007

The best night ever

I had an amazing night on Tuesday. So many people came out and the store sold out of my book! The whole thing was pretty damn special. A few cabbies came out, one regular passenger was in attendance, lots of friends and family, and even a bunch of people I didn't know showed up. The room was packed, all the chairs were filled, and there were crowds of people standing in the aisles! It was probably one of the best nights of my life so far.

And I get to do it again next week! If you missed this event, or liked it so much that you want more, come see me read a whole different section of the book next Tuesday, September 18th, at 7:30 at the Barnes & Noble in Park Slope, Brooklyn (267 7th Avenue). Brooklyn people: Come out and represent!

In the meantime, something else amazing happened on Tuesday: I had the honor of reading an essay of mine on NPR's "All Things Considered." You can read it -- and listen to it -- by clicking here.


Anonymous said...

See you next week!

~Your fan in Park Slope~

John said...

Hack arrived today in Dublin Ireland looking forward to reading it.
I had to order it from Amazon USA and it was sent from New Zeland.
You have become a real globetrotter!

Unknown said...

Way to go! :-)

Anonymous said...

I just found your blog yesterday and I have read every entry while "working" over the past 2 days. I am hooked and am excited to read that your book just came out. I'll be getting it asap.

Gina R said...

Hey Melissa. Glad you enjoyed your night so much! I was there, I was the one who asked about the reaction of the other cab drivers. It was great to hear your voice and see your animated self. I hope you will change your mind about posting some of the more personal and reflective stuff on your blog. Just ignore the idiots!

It was fun to see you and thanks for being yourself!


Anonymous said...

i have received my copy! will come next week to park slope!

Unknown said...

Great essay Melissa. It definitely brought a tear to my eye. Although I've never lived in New York, yet, I did grow up in the shadow of it in New Jersey. Also, my step mother worked in the Towers at one point and my Dad saw them smoking on his morning commute on the Turnpike that morning.

Also, congrats on the book! Its definitely on my to-read list. Also it was great hearing your voice too. It's always good to put a voice to a blog/book.

Anonymous said...

The book is great!

Unknown said...

Congratulations. I'm so glad that it all went well for you!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Melissa,

Congratulations! Well deserved night of appreciation; I wish I were closer......but if you ever see your way to the West coast I hope you will let those of us here know! WA is just too far but I'm so glad your book signing went well; you totally deserve it and I hope to enjoy whatever your next adventure is! Best wishes always, Janelle

Anonymous said...


Dino said...

YOU HAVE TO GO ON A BOOKTOUR PLEASEEEEEEE I want to come to a reading!!!!

Anonymous said...

Savor and enjoy this, you deserve it!

And thanks for a very entertaining blog.

Anonymous said...

Really pleased for you M. Wish I could come over to NY and attend one of your signings.


pelican1 said...

When they do o your book in Audiobooks, you just have to be the reader. Very pleasant and distinctive. Loved the reading.

Anonymous said...

I was soooooooo pleasantly surprised to hear you on NPR, and I loved the essay. Can't wait to read the book. Congratulations!

Unknown said...

I'm really looking forward to seeing you read on Tuesday!

And yeah: ignore the idiots. Tell them they need to get a package of I.D. Ten. T.'s. Well, they already have that. Write what you want, and damn the consequences!

Carolyn Ann

Anonymous said...

It feels strange to say this to a person I've never met, but I'm so proud of you, Melissa, and I'm so excited for your success! I was moved by the essay on NPR and I'm grateful to you for bringing New York closer to those of us who live a world away.

Nan Patience said...


Eddy_半瓶水響叮噹 said...

I love your blog

Judy said...


Jocelyn said...

Wow I'm realy happy for you about your book. (Sorry for my poor english)

Nature Nut /JJ Loch said...



Bob Mergaert said...

Melissa, so very happy for your "Best night ever". You deserve it, for being who you are, and for being able to express in print what you think and feel, in a way that reaches out and connects to your readers. It is a gift I wish I had. But I am not there yet. I do wish you the best life has to offer, and I celebrate with you, the success you have now, and the success you will continue to have, in the things that mean the most to you.
I also want to thank you for letting us into your experience. By letting us into your experience, you have made friends with people from around the world. People you have never met, or even talked to, feel they know you, and care about you. And would love to meet you, have you as their guest, show you their part of the world. You have opened up unlimited posibilities with your blog. I guess we will just have to wait and see where that takes us.

anonymous said...

Wish I were in New York too...
Your blog was the one that got me started on writing my own!

Love your spirit.

Anonymous said...

I have been reading and enjoying your blog for a good 1 1/2 years after I saw it referenced in an NY newspaper and I recently purchased your book. I love it -- all the best to you!!

Nestor Family said...


Unknown said...

3 hours up, and 4 hours back... (Accident and road works in Staten Island made for an extra hour on the Staten Island Expressway. Yuk.)

I thoroughly enjoyed the reading in Park Slope. A good turnout (mostly last minute, so I was glad to get there a little early!) It was neat seeing Melissa (if I may be so bold) - a photo only conveys so much of the person!

And I got my signed copy. :-)

(It was too late to start reading it last night; with all the road works and that between here and New York, it was a long drive! So I'll start it tonight.)

Thanks, Melissa, for rounding out what turned out to be quite an enjoyable day in the Big Apple!)

Carolyn Ann

Anonymous said...

Congrats on making it onto All Things Considered. Love me some NPR

Anonymous said...

i really enjoyed the Q&A session in park slope on tuesday. Thanks for signing my book too. :D

another weird thing today, i believe i saw you crossing on 11th street today. I wasnt sure at first if it were really you, so i didnt call. but after staring at you for a moment, i think it was really you. haha. weird. do you feel like celebrity now? :p

Andy P said...

Congratulations, it's a wonderful blog you've got here and I really look forward to readin the book. It's on my list!

Anonymous said...

I loved it.
Can't wait to hear you.
Great stuff!

Alejandra Ramos said...


NYC taxi photo said...

this book exceeded all expectations I had. I purchased it yesterday and read it in 6 hours. This is huge for me since I usually drift off while reading books.

Anonymous said...

>>Trust the best - trust Amsoil.<<

Will it mask the tachukitta, tachikitta in my engine's rimratchet, or take the knock out of my dejuginator ?

georgetheatheist said...

Your 15 minutes of fame are finished.

Now what?

Offperception said...

Hey there!

I found your blog through Gizmodo, which in turn linked me to your article about the GPS problems in the New York Times, and from there I went onto a site that explained your book...and then I ended up here.

After two pages of your blog I went and ordered it on Amazon. I hope they'll deliver it faster than usual this time...a disatvantage of living in The Netherlands...or europe for that matter. :)

Keep up the good work, Melissa!

John said...

I am wondering how you found the Irish taxi drivers book?. "Tales from a rear view mirror"
Don't sit back on your laurels,give us an update.

Anonymous said...

do you think not updating this blog is the best way to help your book sales?

Anonymous said...

Don't worry anonymous above's a month tomorrow. Aside from the flurry of 3-4 self-serving book posts we got last month, we usually hear from her about once a month. It's pretty much a joke. What made the book possible was this blog, now she doesn't pay any attention to it, unless she's blabbing about the book. Used and abused.

Anonymous said...

In the meantime, enjoy the pills4you comments above that show she has paid absolutely no attention to the blog since the 6th. Anyone else would surely have deleted those commetns by now if they were serious about blogging.

Anonymous said...

Make that the 23rd of September...didn't see the spam comment there the first time through.

John said...

Another day another dollar.Yep thats you off my blogroll.
Have a happy life.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to you, Melissa. I have been reading your blog and adventures for awhile now and enjoy every word you post. I truly hope that you realize that through these simple postings you have made something special that many people enjoy so much. Through this you have become an author and a celebrity (even in a small circle such as us blog readers).

I wish you continued success and may your book sell more than anyone could dream of (then you can tell Bloomberg to take his s**tty attitude to you drivers and shove it where the cabbies don't park!!!).

All the best to you.
Montreal, Quebec

American Baseball League said...

Just read the book and loved it. I normally give books away after reading them, yours is a keeper. Congrats and Happy Holidays.

Utica, NY

Anonymous said...

Nighs city........

Anonymous said...

congratulation and thank you. I love books

Taximaximel said...
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