Sometimes crossing the Brooklyn Bridge isn't all that bad.
There are many ways to get through the long 12-hour shift. Reading a book while stopped in traffic is only one of them.
Tonight was pretty good overall. I mean, it wasn't perfect. I did indeed get my window punched by some stupid angry road raging bitch in Williamsburg (because I wouldn't let her cut me off, mind you), but that's so annoyingly typical, it barely merits mention at this point.
Otherwise, business was steady and people were in good spirits. My favorite fare of the night originated in the theater district. A somewhat elderly couple flagged me down in the middle of 45th Street just as the area began spilling over with the post-theater crowd. They instructed me to go to 79th and Lex and then began an animated conversation with each other about how much they hated the play they'd just seen.
He said, "Well, I didn't think the acting was too bad."
She disputed this. "It was dismal! How could it be any good when they had such terrible material to work with?"
They carried on trashing the play the whole ride uptown and then, as we crossed east on 79th, they told me they were actually going to make two stops. The man would be getting out at Park Avenue and the lady would get out a block away at Lexington. No problem.
When the man closed the cab door behind him, the lady addressed me and said, "Oh goodie, this way he makes sure I get to pay."
I responded with something vague yet polite like, "That's not so nice of him."
She said, "No, actually it's okay. We used to be married and we see each other practically every night so we just switch off paying."
I asked the obvious: "You see each other every night but you're not married anymore?"
"Yeah," she said, "after 42 years, we realized that we get along much better when we live apart." I guess they only needed one city block to make their relationship work.
She continued, "Our kids think we're bizarre." I agreed with her kids and then, as her doorman approached to let her out of the cab, I said, "Just out of curiousity, what play did you guys see tonight?"
"'Deuce.' The one about tennis. It was lousy!" And with that, she got out and the doorman closed the door behind her.
My "ex" and I get along very good also. Of course, it takes half the Pacific Ocean to make it work. She reads Tarot Cards in the Sierra Nevada foothills. I don't. ;)
well what ever works. Grumpy and I have two bed rooms - mainly because sometimes our schedules are off to far to sleep in the same bed or I may just want a night where i have the bed to myself
a play about tennis sounds doomed from the start....
I have an aunt & uncle who have been married for over 30 years; they have an odd marriage too! They live in PA & for the winter my aunt flies down to Florida and they are "not living together for at least 6 months a year". It's quite odd but seriously I think is the only way their marriage works! To each their own I guess; anyway, I'm glad you had a good night! Peace, Janelle
I can't wait for your book to come out!!!
Whatever works for them I guess
I'm looking forward to buying your book. It's nice to have you back in the driver's seat!
Thanks for the picture of the Brooklyn Bridge.
I'm exactly a thousand miles from my ex who's in NYC so we meet everytime I go there and it seems we get along better with this space between us. Obviously we're seeing other people, but I still found it bizarre.
Good to know I'm not the only one like that.
What an interesting couple. Hey whatever works for them I say go for it. I look forward to buying your book by the way.
It's great to read your blog again, Melissa.
I hate it that society boxes us in with its expectations. My hubbie and I have been married for 22 years. We've had separate bedrooms for the last ten of those. It's considered a little strange, though I very much need the private space and so does he.
I love those kind of odd little stories about people. It's so interesting how people live. I can't wait for the book to come out.
Just pre-ordered your book. Didn't take to long on Amazon. Ihope there some good cussing in the book.Happy Cruising.
How many actors does it take for a play about tennis?
I have a feeling that if my current boyfriend and I end up getting married, we'd need to get a house with at least two bedrooms because a) I snore heavily and he's a light sleeper and b) I can't blog/read/write with him in the same room. At least not yet.
: )
You should do more posts especially since your book is coming out soon.
Well you won't have time to Blog after the book comes out. So give us more time now before Leno gets you
in the time i have been reading your fabulous blog i have moved from ohio to nyc and then back to ohio. xoxoxo
Melissa, just pre ordered your book on Amazon. Also great to have you back posting. I hope your book does great in sales. I already know I will like it, because I just enjoy your way of putting words into print. The best of luck to you now, and always. Bob. (former Las Vegas Cabbie)
i hope your book does well. who knows
maybe you'll become a best seller, good luck. i enjoy reading your blog but could you put an intro on it as to how you decided to become a
cabbie? when you started? etc... are these things covered in your book?
Just stopped by to say 'hello" and I am so glad you're back! I can't wait to read your book.
What an interesting couple you had int he car! lol I guess they figured out what works for them and that's the important thing. Too funny.
I have friends that operate in much the same way, only not in New york. Why not? jackie
I have been reading you with a lot of pleasure. great photos as well. I will surely buy the book.
the reason I found you was my starting to write my experiences as a taxi passanger in lisboa. after a few posts I wanted to see if there were similar blgos arpound. what I found was a still more interesting thing - blogs writen by taxi drivers. which was, obviously, the opposite point of view. I have linked a few of them, among which yours occupy a central position.
You're a fun New York writer! But, cheese and crackers, such language!
Fondly nonetheless,
Deacon Mike Trout
its been awhile since you wrote on this blog, hoping to read more about your adventures and such
That confirms sooooooooooo many similar relationships I've seen.
It has a lot to do with the fact you are economically punished for getting married. "Two can live cheaper than one"? Thanks to 1: the IRS, and 2: George "give the country away to foreigners" Bush, two can't even live as cheap as two, anymore!"
Just the story line I have been looking for, and best of all its a a blog. Everyone has heard of New York City taxis, and here is something ongoing and with a great detailed potential at the sametime. I have placed one of your essay shorts on New York City Night Life ( NightLife ), RMC web site. If you do not approve I will remove it.
Nonetheless, I will steadfastly encourage to continue your blog, and do not hesitate in covering all fascets of the cultural yellow icons of the city which never sleeps.
Please advise.
Mr. Roger M. Christian
just checked ur blog find it really kewl!!!
i'hve got a really kool nd krazy website for u bro check this thing out
man it gonna blow u up,click the link below
Sounds like New York is pretty rough. I don't know what I would have done if someone would have punched my window.
So, far I have really enjoyed reading your blog. I am going to go back and read some more.
Dora Renee' Wilkerson
I love these stories I took a guy to the airport one hot summers day and all he did was complain constantly, not about the ride or the heat or the fact that the air conditioning units were a little weaker than normal but how much he hated his wife, how she manipulated and tried to constantly control him, what an evil boitch she was he never stopped for almost fifity minutes constant complaints about his wife, then he said pull over here a moment, a tall blonde severe looking women walked over to the cab shes here the witch, my wife the man said and opened the cab door to let here in. Once inside he kissed her and said hello darling Ive missed you and been thinking about you all day, she smiled and said me too, I love you darling he continued. I grinned the rest of the way to the airport, as he vacated the cab he lent across and give an extra large tip, well he said we fly to Maine me on the plane her on the broom, he winked and left.
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