How fucking exciting! Of course, the actual book is not out yet. Plans for a hardcover edition have been scrapped so it will be a paperback original, which means it'll be more affordable. And it looks like August 28th is the big date, but you can pre-order it from the Random House website by clicking here.
I seriously can't wait.
In the meantime, I'm off to the garage for my first shift in a good long while, so there will hopefully be a story or two here tomorrow, but for now I just needed to say HOLY SHIT I WROTE A BOOK.
Awesome! Congratulation!!!
congrats thats awsome love the cover and the paperback part. That way I don't have to wait for a year to get it since I don't by hardcover books.
Wonderful! If it's anything like your blog, it's going to be amazing! I will buy one for sure!
Congratulations! I can't even imagine that feeling. What an accomplishment. I will be looking out for it! Congrats again. Looking forward to your further tales from the street.
It's a beautiful cover. Mazel tov!
that's so so exciting!!! congratulations!
i will definitely be buying a copy of that book :)
Yay! I just placed my pre-order and I'm looking forward to reading it!
This can also be ordered from amazon here: http://www.amazon.com/Hack-Stopped-Worrying-Started-Driving/dp/0812977394/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1/103-3036603-5743815?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1177614364&sr=8-1
In case you are too busy to sign up at Random House or just love one click.
Ok, that got cut off. So just do a search for Melissa Plaut.
Holy shit! That's awesome! Good luck...
Now I have another book to read.
August 28th... sounds like ages.
I just placed my pre-order!!!
Congrats, maybe you will see Jon Stewart again when he has you on his show. :)
Bully for you! Finally, some light at the end of the Holland Tunnel! Congrats!
Cover is GREAT!
Title is GREAT!
Did Random House pull the hard cover because you neglected your blog and lost a lot of your fan base? Amazing how that happens isn't it! At least there are still some of us that enjoy your posts...no matter how scarce they are...best of luck MP!!! Keep up those posts.
Hopefully the book will be full of the juvenile potty mouth language that I so often see on this blogs.. ah.. the days when I thought speaking like that was cool...
Brilliant! I'm so pleased for you. God, you must be so excited. Make sure you concentrate when you're driving. Hope when you become mega-famous you still talk to us :)
Will we be able to buy it in the UK or import it thru Amazon?
Great to see the baby at last
Wow that's fantastic. The cover photo is really eye-catching. I'm sure this baby will fly off the shelves.
That's is amazing and inspiring. I'm excited for you, and look forward to buying/reading it.
I recently got the pdf of the cover of the book I wrote, published next week, and it really is a goooood feeling especially when it's a great cover. And your cover is a great cover. But the main thing is, your writing is so good. Looking forward to reading the book. Padraig (blog: justlikeaman.blogspot.com)
Congratulations MP!!!!
Well done! Great Cover!
Can't wait to read it!
You should be damn proud of yourself!!!
Love it!!!
congrats; i'm pre-ordering right now
Imagine my surprise when I clicked on your link tonight and there you had posted once again. I love the cover and I am sure I will love the book. I am glad to see you are back in the blog world again, you do write such interesting posts!
Woohoo! So exciting!
trchjWell just how groovy is that!?
I'll presume to speak for all of us in the Mighty Bluegrass State...We're so very happy for you!!!
Looking forward to reading it and any other tid bits you may throw our way.
Hope you have a blast in your ride!
Congratulations, Melissa! I posted about it. Hopefully it'll drive some sales. Maybe you'll be willing to come on my podcast when it's out to plug it?
Hey MP, Thank you for that wonderful update. I am going to order my book now. But, please make sure you give me enough time to get to NYC in order for you to sign it. That is at your book signing. Way to go girlfriend. Have fun at work and I will be watching for your next post.
Huhoo! I like the cover!!!!!!
Many congratulations Melissa! I look forward to reading your upcoming book. By the way, the cover is awesome.
Cat from
Congratulations, like everyone else said. However, I am still pushing for an autographed copy, but as I can't make it to New York, I am wondering if when I get my copy, I can send it to an P.O. Box of yours, have you sign it an send it back to me? I mean, it's not as exciting as meeting the author, but hey, it'll do. What do you think?
I've promoted your book over at my place.
You are in a very exclusive crowd.
Few people will write a book.
Even fewer will succeed in getting one published.
Next goal: New York Times "Best Seller" list.
Terrifc! There is a note on my calendar to pick up a copy in August. I have been reading your blog for about a year and love it. Please keep writing.
Hey Melissa. I have a friend at RH and I got to read the ARE. It was awesome! Great work! I love the ending!
The cover is amazing......That is exceptionally exciting! Big Congradulations MP; I will absolutely be buying a copy of your book & can't wait till the end of August!
I'm looking forward to reading it!!!
Glad your back to your blog! I cant wait to read the book!
Oooh exciting! Congrats and I love the cover.
Perfect cover,and I just put you on the road to financial independence by ordering a book.You can thank me later,wait, how will you know its me?Shit better get some t shirts made up,how about I JUST BOUGHT A BOOK BY SOME HACK.................
Love the cover. Congrats!
nice cover, but would've thunk a hardcover would sell fairly well with all the press you've had. still wish you luck in the sales.
Yay! I have my end-of-the-month paycheck...so what do I do? Rush to the grocery and buy junkfood, pinappples, and then come home to pre-order this awesome book!
Schveet! ("sweet" with a lisp)
You're onn BuzzGirl!!!!
This is so coooooolllll. WOW!!!
I'm confused. If it is a paperback, will it have all your pictures? That is half the fun.
You go girl! CONGRATULATIONS, I am so happy for you. It is a true inspiration for me. Thank you. I thouroughly enjoy reading your blog and do look forward to your book.
Great cover
Congratulations! Looking forward to the book.
The cover looks great. Congrats!
Amazon is taking pre-orders for $11.16. And yes, I pre-ordered mine.
Good for you, or at least your publishing company, for releasing this as an ebook! I can't find enough interesting ebook titles, so I'm looking forward to this one!
Good for you! I'll have to watch for it in stores here in my small town.
Dora Renee' Wilkerson
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I read your USA today article and cut the web address to check out your site, interesting to live your life.. I will stick with back seat drivers via the phone ;) Good luck! and Congrats!
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