Tonight was one of those rare nights when everyone seemed to want my cab. I haven't had a good shift like this in a while. And I needed it. Somehow, even during the slow patches when all the other cabs were empty, I got jobs, and decent ones at that.
Early in the evening I had a passenger to JFK, and I waited in the taxi hold lot (pictured above) for just under an hour, which, for JFK, isn't bad. I've been so screwed at the airport lately, I half expected to have to sit there for at least two hours. I got a sandwich, used the bathroom, and read a book while waiting.
When I got to the terminal, I got a guy going to 87th and Broadway. At the end of the $45 trip, he didn't tip. Not one single penny. This pissed me off, but only for a little while, because I got my rhythm back right away and had generous, friendly, non-aggravating passengers for the rest of the night. They more than made up for this guy's tiplessness.

Even on my way to the airport, when something bad happened, a good thing turned up to balance it right out. The guy pictured above was driving one of those Air Link vans and he tried to cut me off sharply so he could jump to the head of the long line in the left turn lane going onto South Conduit off Cross Bay Blvd. He just sort of came over into me and I had to swerve left, nearly hitting the median. Then he stopped and began cursing me out. When he saw me taking pictures, he pulled out his shitty camera phone and we engaged in a ridiculous little photo war.
My passenger, who was on her way to Las Vegas, asked me what I do with these pictures. I said, "I put them on the internet. It's the only form of revenge available to me." The guy finally pulled away and cut off the car at the very front of the line to make the turn. We talked about what an asshole he was and I said, "Yeah, the only thing that really sucks is, if he complains about me to the TLC, I'll probably have to pay a fine, even though he was the one who was wrong. And if I complain about him to Air Link, most likely nothing will happen." She agreed that that did indeed suck.
When we got to her terminal, she gave me a nice tip and her business card and said, "Take this and call me if he complains about you. I'll gladly be your witness. That guy was wrong, and I believe in justice."
I sincerely hope this woman wins big in Vegas.