Monday, March 27, 2006


Tonight was one of those rare nights when everyone seemed to want my cab. I haven't had a good shift like this in a while. And I needed it. Somehow, even during the slow patches when all the other cabs were empty, I got jobs, and decent ones at that.

Early in the evening I had a passenger to JFK, and I waited in the taxi hold lot (pictured above) for just under an hour, which, for JFK, isn't bad. I've been so screwed at the airport lately, I half expected to have to sit there for at least two hours. I got a sandwich, used the bathroom, and read a book while waiting.

When I got to the terminal, I got a guy going to 87th and Broadway. At the end of the $45 trip, he didn't tip. Not one single penny. This pissed me off, but only for a little while, because I got my rhythm back right away and had generous, friendly, non-aggravating passengers for the rest of the night. They more than made up for this guy's tiplessness.

Even on my way to the airport, when something bad happened, a good thing turned up to balance it right out. The guy pictured above was driving one of those Air Link vans and he tried to cut me off sharply so he could jump to the head of the long line in the left turn lane going onto South Conduit off Cross Bay Blvd. He just sort of came over into me and I had to swerve left, nearly hitting the median. Then he stopped and began cursing me out. When he saw me taking pictures, he pulled out his shitty camera phone and we engaged in a ridiculous little photo war.

My passenger, who was on her way to Las Vegas, asked me what I do with these pictures. I said, "I put them on the internet. It's the only form of revenge available to me." The guy finally pulled away and cut off the car at the very front of the line to make the turn. We talked about what an asshole he was and I said, "Yeah, the only thing that really sucks is, if he complains about me to the TLC, I'll probably have to pay a fine, even though he was the one who was wrong. And if I complain about him to Air Link, most likely nothing will happen." She agreed that that did indeed suck.

When we got to her terminal, she gave me a nice tip and her business card and said, "Take this and call me if he complains about you. I'll gladly be your witness. That guy was wrong, and I believe in justice."

I sincerely hope this woman wins big in Vegas.


jin said...

lol at the photo war comment!
I bet yours turned out better.
;-) Stay safe.

Anonymous said...

See, I don't want to belabor the point, but she is talking about being stuck at the airport again, waiting around -- and then complaining about not getting a tip.

It sounds to me, like taxi drivers are underpaid, and they should go on strike, or do something to force higher wages.

Anonymous said...


Ed B. said...

Once again MP you give us a great read. I've always wondered what it'd be like to be a cabbie. Now I know. X-P

Don't let those whackos get to you!

Anonymous said...

Cab drivers ARE underpaid and constantly under pressure, not only from stupid drivers, like the Air Link person, but from having to be certain that you don't run over someone dashing across a street against the light, or another foreign jack ass trying to slam into you because THEY want the lane you are in NOW. And they do turn around and curse at you or flip you off or look at you like YOU did something wrong. I hope the asshole that didn't tip one penny can't get a ride for a week. They don't realize that we live off our tips most of the time.

Keep that business card. If he calls, you KNOW the TLC will come a knocking.

Anonymous said...

happy for you that you had fun and made is slow out there now.....

MTM said...

Well there are some nice people in the world, it's rare but this women seems nice...

Lori Stewart Weidert said...

Your photo war photo cracked me up. Another interesting entry; keep 'em coming!

Paradise Driver said...

qwert said:
"...or do something to force higher wages."

qwert, the only way for a cabbie to get a pay raise is to have an increase in the meter rate. Something not easily done.

NYC meter rates are pretty cheap compared to the rest of the country. Here in Mau'i our rates are $3.50 to "trip the meter" and $0.30 per 1/10th of a mile. We also charge $0.30 per bag handled by the driver and $3.00 to haul a bicycle or surfboard (yes, we haul surfboards here :) ).

Considering the jump in gas prices over the last year, the TLC would easily be justified in raising the rate but probably won't. Too much "flack" from the general public.

Also, a union did exist once but was worthless. Go back in the archives and read M.P.'s story about it.

M.P., I love your stories. Keep'em comin'.

Anonymous said...

I enjoy reading your blog site. I came across another blog from a photographer in New York that you might enjoy.

WJR said...

That first photo is great. The sky. The yellow. A very nice capture of a NYC moment.

Jonathan said...

haha- I liked the photo war, except it looked like he was using the crapiest camera phone available. I sincerely doubt he could even see your cab number with that little piece of crap.
Keep on truckin.

Anonymous said...

I recall that cabbies did take some sort of action last summer when gasoline prices were peaking. I don't remember if it was a strike that lasted just a few hours or a protest at City Hall. It was just a single action and needless to say, nothing came of it.

The wait to pick up a passenger at JFK can be a couple of hours? Why not just leave the airport without a fare, especially if the traffic back into Manhattan isn't bad?

Anonymous said...

love the blog but can you change the black background? everyone at work has trouble reading it. it's like an optical illusion after 30 seconds.

Anonymous said...

I love that you had a photo war. That's really freakin' funny. And how serious he looks while taking it... oh man. The only thing I can think to myself is... what next in NYC, what next.

inkyhack said...

Photowar. Most excellent!

dpaste said...

Goodness comes back to you.

Anonymous said...

Cabs in NY are a bargain, people.

Anonymous said...

I can see it now.. the Jets and the Sharks..."shutter fight at 11:00 under the bridge."

Anonymous said...

A "photo war?" Too bad Bush and Saddam didn't opt for that instead of the mess we have now.

Anonymous said...

yeah, these pictures were great. im jealous

Anonymous said...

"yeah, these pictures were great. im jealous"

Is that sarcasm? Are you the asshole Air Link driver, by any chance?

Paradise Driver said...

Those complaining about having trouble reading the print at NEW YORK HACK just do the following:

Hold down the CTRL key, on your keyboard, while rotating the scroll wheel on your mouse towards you.

This will automatically increase the text size.

Rotating the scroll wheel away from you, while depressing the CTRL key, will restore the text to its original size.

It works on both IE and FIREFOX. Don't know about OSX.


This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
NicFitKid said...

Photo war results:

M.P. totally wins. Don't bring a camera phone to a photo fight, AirLink dude.

Anonymous said...

Just another commenter letting you know you are fabulas!

Glad you had a good night!

Anonymous said...

It's good karma to tip.

Anonymous said...

You know what would be funny? If the Air Link driver put the pictures he took on his blog with some corresponding, er, "commentary." In fact, I think I'll go google "Air Link driver."

Andrea said...

People are always commenting on how cab drivers are terrible. Especially from where I'm from. I disagree. Well, in general, everyone here sucks at driving. Everyone has their good and bad days. And I can't believe that (sorry, this is about the Skin Doctor post) rude as to say "I don't want to be killed." What an ass. Good on you for the photo war.

Anonymous said...

Hey Girl , keep on keeping on! I love your attitude

Anonymous said...

nice photo of the airport are ya?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

wil thanks for the scroll/ctrl use, it sucks being a newby online.
MP the photo-war is hilarious, what a dickhead thinking it would do any good he was. shame you didnt show more of his truck to be able to spot him, so anyone reading this could taunt him even more when/if they saw him in the future. click-click driver, ha ha!

Anonymous said...

Well I'm glad to see that there are good natured people out there after all.

It almost made her seem like a vigalante ... a Robin Hood, of sorts.

Wendy said...

Great post. I love the photo at JFK... So glad that the night got better. Except for that Air Link jerk. I wonder what HE does with his photos....

Anonymous said...

Love your stories.I read them all the time. Now your not going to like this. You should find a better paying job if you depend on tips to help pay your bills. I dont tip anybody because all Im doing is saving your cheap boss money. If everybody stop tipping your dick boss would just make a little less profit at the end of the day.If your wage did mot increase you would quit and so would hundreds of others.Your to smart to drive cab. Leave it to the people who don't care about making a fare wage. Until you find a better job, stay safe.

E. Rivera said...

Wow, I love that last line, "I believe in justice." I'm going to say that more often out loud.

MrFunkMD said...

Hey anonymous..(two posts above mine)

Do you have any idea how big of a jackass you are? Im surprised mommy and daddy let you stay up this late and use the computer.

Anonymous said...

Anon....if you knew anything, you would know that NYC Taxi Operators are SELF EMPLOYED.....Independent contractors who pay to lease the cab and medallion.

Anonymous said...

your photo of cabs at jfk makes me want to hop a plane to ny today ..x from tx MP.

Anonymous said...

Very funny....but the Air Link Dude's phone doesn't look like a camera there even a "lens" on it? Me thinks he is an idiot trying to psych you out.

Love you blog and pics!

Daisy said...

I love the picture of the yellow cabs with all that blue sky! That is fantastic!

Downtown Pearl said...

Keep the stories coming - you're the best! Nice photo.

Downtown Pearl

Anonymous said...

nonymous said...
Love your stories.I read them all the time. Now your not going to like this. You should find a better paying job if you depend on tips to help pay your bills. I dont tip anybody because all Im doing is saving your cheap boss money. If everybody stop tipping your dick boss would just make a little less profit at the end of the day.If your wage did mot increase you would quit and so would hundreds of others.Your to smart to drive cab. Leave it to the people who don't care about making a fare wage. Until you find a better job, stay safe.

3/28/2006 11:39 PM


do you really think the world changes that quickly?

a cab is paid for as a set fee, and everyone who does this job cares very much about the "fare" wage!!!

Vick said...

I promise to tip at all times from now on...

LCC Katy said...

Anonymous (I dont tip anybody because all Im doing is saving your cheap boss money. If everybody stop tipping your dick boss would just make a little less profit at the end of the day.) I take it you never worked in a job where you depend on tips. I work as a waitress and we live from our tips as our hourly pay is $2.25!!!!!!
Tiping for service is not only proper but alos ensures good service. Do you really think waiters and other jobs that depend on tips would give a f**k about you wanting something if they got a decent wage. Good luck ever getting a drink!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You need to watch the movie "WAITING".

Nick Neyland said...

Just a question out of curoiosity. I got a cab last night that was covered in Masetrcard and other credit card stickers. Inside there was a swipe-card thing, which said "working when light is on" (or something like that). The light was on. I had cash, but thought I'd see if I could pay by card. Unsurprisingly the cabbie said "Sorry, that thing doesn't work," so I paid cash. But isn't it reasonable to assume that you can pay by card if the cab is advertising it all over the doors and windows? What if I didn't have any cash and reasonably assumed I could take this trip and pay for it by card?

Unknown said...

hehe funneh a photo war I gotta try that sometime :p

Tricia said...

Oh my god your blog is fabulous. Came across it quite back accident and found myself hooked.
You have an incredible way with words and should seriously consider writing a book about your life (day to day things).
Fabulous "candid" shots - every picture tells a story.
Keep up the great work - from the look of things you already have quite a following...

Johann said...

This is one of the best blogs ever. EVER.

Generation Xsquire said...


Excellent blog. For the majority of us who don't understand the whole medallion/leasing/independent operator thing and how it screws the driver, could you put up a post explaining all that?

(I apologize if there is one in your archives that I missed.)

Anonymous said...

nice blog
cheers from brasil!

Reinaldo Ramos, Jr., M.Div. said...

This was a refreshing read. The photo war thing was way too funny! I grew up in the South Bronx! I have a lot of respect for cabbies. Damn good read!

Bradley said...

hilarious. that guy had it coming.

Bougie Black Boy said...

61 comments? damn....

Tim said...

Great Blog, I like the way you use your blog to vent your frustration about your fellow road users, a lot of them are arseholes, especially like your man in the photo war, he probably shit himself when he saw your cam.

keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...

I just found your blog - I don't drive (I have a phobia) so I am always impressed with people who drive for a living. You certainly have the right attitude! Be careful out there.

Chiaw Yong said...


Anonymous said...

Ok; it's final. I LOVE your blog! I have never gotten to 'know' a cab driver before and it is interesting as hell to hear your take on your days.

As a hairdresser, I often have people tell me I should write a book when I retire. I am sure you could likely do the same!

dropdeadred said...

Karma rules all!

Anonymous said...

I like your blog. The pictures and the comments.

You give a perspective from a group of people (cab drivers) that we often times take for granted.

I'll make sure to bookmark your site.

Thanks for taking time to just talk about life.

Anonymous said...

I love to munch on killer tofu NUM NUM in my belly my name is sally i like cats

Anonymous said...

You blogged more often before all the publicity!

Michael Simon said...

oye chica,

I dig the photos from this latest post.

Holding it down in Ecuador,


tangled said...

i only started blogging two days ago, and while checking around for other blogs, i came across yours, read two lines and was hooked.
you have an amazing style and a great sense of humour (brit. spelling ha ha)
wishing you the best...

EastPAWZ said...

love NY, it's crowded and people are rude too, but I love it all! lol

patsy said...

I am a long way from new york .I really enjoyed reading you blog and will be back for more. have a safe night.


This is good stuff--I bet you could get a book out of it. I don't think I've seen a book like this before, from the perspective of a cab driver. If I ever get to New York, I hope I get your cab.
Great blog!

BionicBuddha said...

A great blog...I liked your form of revenge! If nothing else you can claim a moral victory and rest assured that some day karma will even things out -

anonymous jones said...

Hi! You must get really fed up. You know, if we ALL had good manners then there would be WORLD PEACE!!

Jon said...

Cool blog. It reminds me of "Taxi Cab Confessions." Keep up the great work.

Unknown said...

Your stories are really nice and pretty cause these all are the true and real lifestories. I lv it.

And your writing style aren't bad.

Keep writing.

ni.kit.a said...

Xanax is in a class of drugs called benzodiazepines. Xanax affects chemicals in the brain that may become unbalanced and cause

anxiety. Xanax is used to relieve anxiety, nervousness, and tension associated with anxiety disorders. Xanax is also used to

treat panic disorders.

Alt said...

Hey, this is the very first time I read your blog, but I simply love it! It's great, I'll try to keep on reading it as soon as I have some free time. And... feel free to visit my blog (There's only one problem, it's in Spanish... You see... I'm Spanish, lol).

Anonymous said...

Hey ppl, very interetsing always.

Feeling bored? check out

Anonymous said...

Hey guy don't let anything get you down. Just keep your head up.

beckz said...

I never thought I'd feel any compassion for cab drivers in nyc. interesting site.

Anonymous said...

Maybe he didnt tip you because he didnt like the speed that you got him from A to B or something. You people in tipping positions are so greedy. Think of people earning even less money and getting no tips whatsoever. Why arent the cashiers getting tips

Dave said...

Just came across your bog and good perspectives on what it is like to drive a cab.
I don't know if I could handle NYC or not but I do drive in the far north of Fairbanks Alaska (EAGLE/YELLOW).

Keep up the great stories and I will continue to check back.

JA Firebrand said...

Wowzers - I'm a blog neophyte but I'll be damned if your blog isn't the hottest thing EVER.

LT said...

Very cool. First time here. Can't wait to catch up. Excellent shot of the cabs, sky.

K said...

first time here.

cabbieblog! it must be fun to have an eventful life like yours! (:

Ren said...

really cool blog!

Anonymous said...

Your photo of yellow taxis lined up under the blue sky is beautify. I love the colors.

Judy said...

First time I read your blog. I enjoyed it--funny.

A picture war, huh? I'm used to the more physical NY driver fights...

I'm originally from Brooklyn, and I love driving there. The first time I drove up there, I crashed on the third day. Of course, it wasn't my fault!!!

It's ridiculous what some drivers will do. Like get into a photo war! LOL--That's really funny. I wonder what he did with his picture.

Judy said...

BTW, you should seriously try to sell some of these pictures.

Dayngr said...

Fantastic photo... Keep em coming!

*Blue*Princess* said...

happy for you is great that you had fun and made money

Anonymous said...

great read . good job

Anonymous said...

can i call you next time i'm in NY?;) anyways, you take care.

supu said...


Lost Boy said...

I've just stumbled across your blog and have to say it's fab. It's kind of putting me off visiting New York never, though. 90 per cent of the people you encounter seem to be total arseholes!

Scott Mooney said...

I gotta say you have a great photographic eye. This photo of the yellow cabs under the blue sky is gorgeous! Great composition! I've also been admiring your street photos... Penn station.

Scott Mooney

Anonymous said...

I am a big fan of this blog!
I am sure this guy will be loving his face of the net! serves him right!

Anonymous said...

Don't know who you paid off to make this a "Blog of Note". Reading endless posts about nothing but all the assholes you picked up in your cab night after night or who cut you off or who was a dick to you gets really boring and tiresome.

Anonymous said...

Great blog!!!

spoclogik said...

I really like your blog - beautiful photos!

root said...

Cool blog. I like it - I've never been to NYC, and only been in a cab once, but this is some cool stuff.

I delivered pizzas for about a year, and there were lots of bad drivers even in my small hometown. Can't imagine being a cab driver in NYC!

Keep blogging!

- Tom

writer for hire said...

Hey Hack, that picture of the cabs at JFK is fantastic y'know. You should sell those. Don't worry about the idiots, especially those with camera phones huh!

Be well

Mauro said...

lol at the photo war comment!
I bet yours turned out better.
;-) Stay safe.

Anonymous said...

I know you get lots of these, but nice blog. I enjoy reading the thoughts of someone that can be perceived to be doing a mindless and useless job. I was a bartender. The crap that I use to deal with sounds very similiar. People honestly don't think. Where would we be without cab drivers?! Who would entice your pallet with sweet or sour or strong and pungent if there where no bartenders... mmmmm. I'll be coming back for sure. I honestly believe people are just like animals. Except for the thoughtful bunch of course. I love those... :P Take care (and good luck!)

Anonymous said...

Best Blog Ever

High Power Rocketry said...

New York baby! :)

Sorry if I dont take cabs anymore, I dont really want to pay 40 bucks when I can just take the subway for 2.00

New York Bathrooms

DeannaHawk said...

Your attitude is awesome!

Not sure I could do it.



DeannaHawk said...

Your attitude is awesome!

Not sure I could do it.



x said...

Hey, i just stumbled across your blog and i love it! It has great stories and all are pretty funny. I who live in New York City can personally relate to these stories ins ome way. haha anyway thanks for writing this great blog. have a nice day :)

Mysterious George said...

Hilarious! Love your writing style, humor and observations. I don't drive much anymore, but still encounter my share of ass munches on the roads out here, too. Carry on with your justice - great idea!

polou said...

Okay please tell me cab driver, I tipped cab drivers, but you know, I live in Toronto, Canada, those cab drivers yap on the phone and do not watch the road and I tipped them man. Does this happen frequent in NY city? It is crazy.

TheWayfarer said...

Talk about Justice!!!
If I ever come to "Da Big Apple" I'll look you up: ONLY $45 for a cab ride is cheap, even here in "flyover country".

Jimmy Pellas said...

Weldone , I liked the photo war .

Anonymous said...

Your site is great. I really hate cheapskates, but also know that when someone is cheap with their money, they are also cheap with their feelings... hence their life sucks. Rest assured, no vengence required.
Anyway, visit my other-side-of-the-country site if you get a chance. We really need some good hacks here.
Clark County Diva

feather said...

Excellent blogs, I saved your site to Favs. I live in the heartland, rural, and a farmer/mom. I know its funny but, Ive never seen or been in a cab, so this site is great! I also blog about farm life. best of luck on this site, its wonderful.

Joanne said...

i love your blog - it's totally my fave - be safe always - continue healthy and keep picture taking - it's awesome to see the city - i live in boston and miss nyc in a HUGE way esp since baseball season is like right around the corner ;)


PokerMan said...

excellent blog... simply awesome..
dont forget to visit my site.

Anonymous said...

hi. I`m from Mèxico I`m 21, and Ilive in a little town call "El Pueblito" Look to New York Behaind yours eyes is amaizing, I whish go to your city and maybe I Could take your taxi, my inglish sucks I know, but a try to read a learn on you blog. Suerte!!


You have achieved - in my own heart - a high status of excellence in blog reporting and I am hooked in reading your reports.
Go for it lady!

Matthew Bamberg said...

Great idea for a blog!

Anonymous said...

Love your writings and your wit! I'm always curious about your manage to capture great stuff while working. The pics look far too crisp to be from a cellphone camera, or are they?

Anonymous said...

your photos rock...

Dead Disney said...

if only all the cab drivers of the world were like u.

Anonymous said...

galt-in-da-box wrote:
ONLY $45 for a cab ride is cheap, even here in "flyover country".

That's the legally dictated flat fare from JFK to most parts of Manhattan. No doubt it was enacted because unscrupulous hacks were taking people not familiar with NYC a roundabout way in order to run up the fare. I wonder what the meter would read for a straightforward trip from JFK to midtown.

Anonymous said...

I don't even think that was a camera phone he was waving at you. Does anyone see a lens? Anyone? Bueller...?

Too much good stuff; keep it coming!

RM said...

an eye for an eye and a photo for a photo.. kind of childish but still very interesting...
btw which camera do u use?

Anonymous said...

Great goin girl, keep up the good work. Nice to see you at it. Yet, I would prefer if you keep the curses out.

Teutsch said...

Nice sky shot. I love the color. This is my new desktop wallpaper.

Anonymous said...

Nice! always good to see someone willing to help another out. Dumb question, whats a good tip for a cab ride? I used to be a bartender back in the day, so I understand the shitty tip or no tip customers, I want to avoid being that asshole. hmmm that may have inspired my next post. I usually vent my frustrations on my blog, they may be offensive to most people, but hey it entertains me.

Anonymous said...

By the way the person who goes by Josie that posted above me saying "Yet, I would prefer if you keep the curses out." Jesus Christ! did it really hurt you to see a curse word? just because you may not use them doesn't mean everyone shouldn't. you just had to let everyone know how righteous you are. get a fucking life

Anonymous said...

Wow, your job gives you such an amazing story to tell. I hope your publishing goes well. If I can, I'll grab a copy.

San Francisco Photos said...

Nice, I always love photo blogs!!

Randy SFO said...

Photo wars! I love it!!!! Great idea for a blog ... what you're doing. Whenever I ride in a cab, I like to ask about their most intesting fare. Fun to hear all the different ones.

Hussain Sehorewala said...

well i would like to see the pics the other person has clicked in the WAR . do u have any idea where has he bloged this stuff.

Tafari said...

The photo war was really funny, most phones do take very shity pictures. When I hit NYC in July, I will definitely you if I happen to jump in your ride. Great Blog!

v.c. said...

you win the photo war i am sure!
i really like the first photo you post here (of course not the other asshole driver, haha)

Soulfull said...

LOL@photo war! What an ass he was! Great blog by the way...

carmilevy said...

Nothing like a lens to being doofuses to their senses.

It's nice to see your passenger so concerned about your welfare. There is indeed still goodness in the world.

MJ06 said...

Alright some one out here in iinternet land can answere this question I know you can.

1.Why are the cabs in New York city always missing a center cap here or there?
2.I remember seeing 2002 CrownVictoria Taxi cabs with hubcaps instead of the steel rims and silver center cap. How ever they were few and far between.
How come there seemingly is not one cab companie in New York that goes with hubcaps instead of the steel rim and center cap?

Jennifer said...

I don't even think he had a photo cell! LOL

Jennifer said...

His cell doesn't even look like it has a camera! LOL What a fuck-tard!