When I got to work today, I was assigned a brand-new 2007 model taxi. It only had about 6400 miles on it, which probably makes it about six weeks old. It was clean and pristine and it still smelled new, and as I was pulling out of the lot, one of my fellow drivers joked and said, "Don't scratch it!"
Of course, within an hour, the bus seen above nearly took my right side mirror off. Luckily, I was able to avoid it, even though I was still a bit rusty from having not driven any kind of vehicle in a month.
It took me that first hour to warm up and get my rhythm and confidence back. But after that, everything was back to normal. The only real problem for the rest of the night was that I was constantly distracted by some gum on the sole of my shoe that kept sticking to the pedals.
Things could definitely have been worse.
what happened? conflict? tips? miles? where did you drive today? did you like driving again? how hard was it getting back? this blog... what happened??
what happened? conflict? tips? miles? where did you drive today? did you like driving again? how hard was it getting back? this blog... what happened??
Love. This. Blog.
New wheels always improves a shift and one's outlook.
Of course, you are constantly praying that no one dings it, at least not while your driving.
Back in the saddle as it were eh? Gum on your shoe no less...Could have been worse. Think of the poor soul who has a shoe stuck to their gum! Hope you had a great night!!!
Sweet! Enjoy your new car...and watch out for those crazy tour buses!
Hahaha, hilarious. I love your blog.
Welcome back to work!
1st one in!! Thanks for the new post
Gum stuck to the bottom of your shoe, sticking to the pedals all night would truly be annoying. Why would you leave it stuck to the bottom of your shoe all night?
Welcome Back! Glad you are feeling better. I live for your updates.
Take care and drive safetly, or drive like a NYC Taxi, either way you'll do fine.
welcome back. Glad you didn't scratch the car
Welcome back to the rhythm, MP. Thanks for another entry! I recommend a small bottle of Goo Gone or related adhesive removal substance for the utility belt.
- Ed in SE Texas
The gum on the sole of your shoe was hilarious! I can imagine freaking out because I have to jack up my reaction time to prevent accidents.
Welcome back to the fold.
Phew!! That was a close one!!
And, I hate it when my shoe sticks to the gas pedal... But, then again, maybe it's a good excuse for when you get pulled over for speeding. LOL
Good to see you back in action!
MP, To funny...the gum on the bottom of your shoe that keeps STICKING!! lol. That would drive me crazy :)
You're just a genius! That line about the gum on your shoe is the perfect twist that makes the story.
When everything goes bad... there is no other way to go... so everything start to goes good
Count your blessings... the gum wasn't dog shit.
Great blog. Stay with it..
gum on your shoe!!! I apparently didn't do my job, making all you kids scrape gum off the bottoms of desks all those years, to convince you that gum is one of the greatest evils of our times.
Everyone can relate to gum on the shoe....... lol.
Congrats on the new wheels, and welcome back..... You were missed.
2007 crown vic?
Still listening...
(Dittos from up there ^^^)
Isn't that how the term for a street dective was coined? A gumshoe.
I hope you get assigned a Ford Escape hybrid or a Toyota Highlander hybrid so you can tell us about it. I've heard that there are even electric (not hybrid) Chrysler PT Cruisers being used as taxis in NYC.
That reminds me: What's the price of a gallon of gas at the taxi lot now?
Hey, hope the new car was comfortable. Must have been weird to be off work for so long...I heard traffic was very different last night after sad events of plane crash?
Hope life is treating you well,
maybe you should just smack that new cab into something and get it over with, you know it's gonna happen sooner or later, so next time you get a new ride just bang into someone who's driving like an idiot and then look at them like, "Hey, what the Hell?" just kidding be safe and if you get the chance check out this new blog, cause you gotta eat sometime. http://realfoodrealpeople.blogspot.com thanks and take care.
congrats on the new car
When I drive in Houston...the bus drivers there appear to be like the ones in New York, they are all the same...they don't care if they get too close to you. They know you will back off from that big bus even if it means that you drive into another car or a ditch! Pinche bus drivers!
The Taxi people here do a great job. So it must be a genetic thing.
Coming to you from Texas
What kind of car exactly is it you´re driving??
they should assign you a wheelchair when you drive because this blog is definitely crippled.
It seems like you are just a writer that used being a cabbie to get noticed. Pretty cool , but its the writing about your experiences that are interesting , not your writing experience. Good luck to ya. May this blog RIP.
last week i got into a cab with the stickers still on it, asked haji how many miles he said "220". The aroma was a sick mix of new car smell, and haji - at least the windows worked! sorry I missed your reading this week. xoxoxoxoxox
I googled: "taxi driver" hangout "new york" PAS - looking for posts about hangouts on PAS and hookers and Google put me on your Tilda Swinton entry.
I went to your home page and in your October 11, 2006 post, that last part about the gum was very funny.
What a great blog! I love your stories.
J. Foreman
Albuquerque, NM
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