[Updated to include photos]
So I'm in Vancouver. "On vacation," as they say. I haven't driven a cab in a few weeks. Instead, I spent that time completing the first draft of the book. Which I accomplished. And when I get back home next week, I will probably have my editor's notes for the second draft and get back to work on it. But I also plan to get back in the cab, even if it's on a minimal level.
Anyway, I arrived here in Canada yesterday and, of course, I'm experiencing a tiny bit of culture shock. It's been a little while since I left New York last, and everytime I do, there's a small transition. It's really quite beautiful here, and also incredibly quiet, to the point that it's creepy. I'm not used to it, but I can see the appeal.
So, of course, the first thing I did after leaving the airport was get into a taxi. The one we got was green and white, though there are plenty of yellow cabs around. I was a little skeptical at first that our ride would be slow and boring because this city seems so clean and pristine, but it turned out to be okay. Our driver had on flip-up shades under the brim of a tan Vancouver baseball hat. In the taxi, he sat up so completely straight that the top of his head was in constant contact with the ceiling of the car. He also had on spotless white gloves and drove with his arms at the strangest angle.
At the end of the ride, I decided I totally approved of his moves. I mean, he didn't do anything particularly special or out of the ordinary, but he definitely had that quick, efficient, get-you-there-in-one-piece-but-fast style that I have tried to perfect in my own driving.
The only other thing of note was that when I tried to buy cigarettes, they didn't have my brand. I didn't recognize most of the others either, so I resorted to treating the girl at the 7-11 like a salesperson who works on commission, asking her, "Can you recommend a good light cigarette?"
She handed me a pack of "Canadian Classics Lights" and said they were "popular." I bought them. They're alright.
Vancouver, the "Hollywood" of the pacific north west. Probably be a good place to shop your book for a tv or movie deal.
It is a beautiful city, isn't it?
Best strip clubs in North America... from what I hear.
Welcome to Vancouver! Hope this incredible weather holds out for you. I really enjoy reading your blog and have missed your New York stories. Funny to find out you are in my town now. I trust you have a good guide and will see what should be seen and not what should stay hidden. :) Have fun!
If I recall correctly you have a Canon Powershot SDxxx camera? The cable is a standard USB cable ("A" USB plug to "B" USB mini plug), so if you have any others around or can borrow one, it will work fine. It doesn't have to be the white one that came with the camera.
Heya, MP: Enjoy your vacation!
Hhmmnn...let's see..you mention the cab "WE got" and "OUR driver"...Ms Plaut, I think the readers would like to know, WHO is with you in Vancouver?...Anyway, indeed you are "all right"..But Puleezzee STOP SMOKING!!
Du Maurier!!!!
....I can't believe she said classics were popular. Also, Van is quiet....but watch your shit. You know the drill.
I go up to Vancouver once or twice a year to visit the relatives. Love it! Would move there in a heart beat. Have fun!
Out west eh? Interesting cabbie story, surprised you didn't try to chat him up.
Been missing your posts. . . to bad you can't buy a cable somewhere in Vancouver. . . you can share the photos with all your fans. . .
Oh and maybe a photo of the "us"
Welcome to Canada...Toronto here haven't been to Vancouver yet..A trip in the near future.
Lite smokes...Du Maurier Light is good...my friend smokes them. I use to smoke the Canadian Classic regular one and totally agree..they were alright..=P
Congrats on finishing your first draft!
Speaking of Vancouver and smoking... Isn't pot legal (or at least decriminalized) in BC?
Canadian cigarettes are the worst! (In my opinion.)
I remember being in Canada on a business trip. Several Canadians flocked to us to bum some of our cigarettes!
De Murrier, tries those then next time you get a pack :)
Hey MP - great to hear the news - so looking forward to the book. I trust Borders will have them in NZ? Amazon?
Have fun in Canada!
Hey MP,
So glad to see a post on your blog. But, even happier that the book is getting closer to being published. Well enjoy your stay in hockey[the greatest game on earth]country. Can't wait to see the photos of your trip. EH!
I've been to Vancuver it is very nice and quite and clean. While I was there I rode in a yellow cab to the air port the cab was like a 95-97 crown victoria police interceptor(retired hence why it is a cab) the driver was freindly he did not have the white gloves on though but he was not bad the cab was nice and clean to. But all in all the city is really quite
I can never quite get used to the peace and quiet in other cities. In some places I've been to people are also extra polite, which makes me nervous and suspicious. I guess you can take a girl out of NY, but you can't take NY out of the girl. Or something like that...
Have a great vacation, and good luck with your writing! Lots of eager people can't wait to see the book.
The "Man of Lettuce", my other favourite cabbie blogger, has just returned from his vacation. (http://www.cablog.com.au./)
Must be cabbie holiday time (do we buy gifts or just send cards?)
Neither...we celebrate by listening to Frank of Queens and John of Staten Island every Friday at 10PM on the greatest Talk Radio Show evah, The Right Perspective (www.therightperspective.com)...This week's topics sure to include Bill Clinton's Fox News "shit-fit" ("Bill Clinton" is sure to call in as he has in the past!)..Don't miss it.
Too bad about the pics, but hey! You're our NY cabbie, not Vancouver.
Through with the first draft, huh? You're getting closer, Melissa. :o)
Enjoy your vacation..........
Nice to hear from you again.
Vancouver is a nice city. Enjoy it.
Welcome to Vancouver! Oddly enough, I just returned from NY for a week - the difference between the cities is astounding.
Enjoy your time and let us know if you want any recommendations!
..wow, you need to relax and find a hobby. Honestly, redirect your angry energy into a positive outlet. Life's too short Hon
Hey MP, Good for you on vacation :) Sounds like your post will soon be getting fewer and farther in
between ;( I wish you all the best.
And Cabbiesreadthis... SHUT THE FUCK UP!!! You are just pitiful.
Hey MP, Good for you on vacation :) Sounds like your post will soon be getting fewer and farther in
between ;( I wish you all the best.
And Cabbiesreadthis... SHUT THE FUCK UP!!! You are just pitiful.
that's kinda funny just back there, i never heard that catlady thing but it made me smirk...just glad they didn't give ya menthols MP!! happy holiday 'oot' and 'aboot'
Do you ever worry that you are alienating your blog fans by posting less and spending more time on your book?
How different it was from California, or so far. I like the idea of things being quiet.
Mel: You raise a very good point, and I think you should demand a refund of all the money you've spent reading this blog. What? You're reading it for free, and you're still bitching that she's not writing enough!?!? That's like stealing someone's Ipod, then complaining that you don't like your victim's taste in music.
I'm guessing she's decided that the book has the potential to earn more money than those Google Adsense links.
Inspected and admitted by US Customs. I can't comment on any possible strip search though.
check out:
Aurora Bistro
Happa Izakaya
for restaurants in Vancouver soooo good!
Lark 8th Avenue
Jonathan & Olivia
One of a few
The block
for clothes
Pick up an Urban guide in your hotel lobby to find some of the hidden great places in this sleepy town.
Totally miss your posts, but keep kickin ass on the book!!!
When do we get to hear the title???
Angry much? I was not complaining. I was asking a question. She is writing a book, she has had to drive less in order to write it. Therefore has less stories to blog about.
I am sure that most people who buy her book (which I plan on doing) will have had some connection with her through her blog.
Seems to me that it might be a logical concern.
Of course the book will make her more money than ads but her blog will get people interested in the book. The two effect each other.
Mel: Well, that doesn't change the fact that the music on this Ipod I stole stinks.
Hello there from Paris. Just discovered your blog as someone posted it on our DailyPhoto theme day "Taxis". Check out the different kinds of taxis from around the world today on all the DailyPhoto blogs. Quite interesting to see all of the different rules, licenses, vehicles, etc. Will check back here often to hear of your escapades after your vacation.
Welcome to Canada - Ben Affleck can probably confirm the strip club status - as for those smokes you got at the 7-11 - wtf??? anywho, have a good time! Cabbieangry lady needs to chillax, whew
"He also had on spotless white gloves and drove with his arms at the strangest angle."
Thank God we have you, Melissa. Bet the book is going to be a real page-turner.
Well at least it isn't raining! Check out the downtown eastside and the city isn't so clean anymore. Come to Commercial Drive if you have a chance. Best coffee in the city. And no pot isn't decriminalized but the cops are less likely to be fussy about it when you have a heroin and meth epidemic.
ahh, i'm from vancouver. nice to hear you like the city. word of advice, pass on the canadian's. they're what i smoke when i'm broke. players light, export a light, belmont milds, i'd recommend. enjoy the city.
cool blog. Have a nice time in Vancouver.
here here on the du maurier's. those were my favorites when i stayed in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick for a while.
I live in Cape Town South africa, there are about +/- 1million people, so your traffic reports are like Hieroglyphics to me! But hell girl, you can write!
I was just there, I love it!
HieroGLYPHS...that's the noun.
HieroGLYPHIC..that's the adjective.
P.S. Why do you all still smoke?
The best part about Canadian cigarettes are the no-holds barred labeling on the package:
Cigarettes may cause sexual impotence due to decreased blood flow to the penis. This can prevent you from having an erection.
Studies have shown that tobacco can be harder to quit than heroin or cocaine.
Your children are twice as likely to smoke if you do. Half of all premature deaths among life-long smokers result from tobacco use.
Cigarette smoke causes oral cancer, gum diseases and tooth loss.
All accompanied, of course, by some particularly lovely images. You have to give those Canadians credit for their honesty...
I would have recommended either Export A Medium's or Mild's (Dark blue or maroon pakcs respectively)
Their Chinatown doesn't seem like a real chinatown. Where is the oil build up from all the chinese cooking?
Beautiful city!! I was born there and raised in another small town called kamloops about 3 hours east of Vancouver...Miss it terribly. now im stuck in the blah city of Edmonton.
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