Tuesday, April 04, 2006

An announcement

So. Some exciting news, though for some reason I seem to be having trouble figuring out a way to announce it.

Basically, I went ahead and got myself a book deal! And a real live, not-imaginary book deal, at that. It's with Villard, an imprint of Random House, and I'm still not even sure how to contain my disbelief and excitement over this.

Here's what happened: After the AP story came out in January, I got approached by a few literary agents and started seriously considering whether or not I wanted to write a book. To be honest, I wasn't sure. After meeting with some people and stressing myself out about it, I decided to go ahead with it. I chose an agent and began writing. That was two months ago, and I haven't been able to stop ever since.

When I felt I had enough pages to show, I put together a book proposal which was sent out to publishers last week. Villard offered me a deal and I gladly accepted it.

Needless to say, I'm fucking thrilled.

I want to thank you all for reading and responding so positively to this blog. Many of your comments and emails are what gave me the confidence to actually go ahead with this. Who ever thought I'd go from cab driver to "blogger" to soon-to-be-published author in just a year and a half? I still can't quite believe it myself.

Anyway, I plan to continue driving the cab and doing the blog, so if you keep reading, I'll keep writing.


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Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Congradulations! Long time reader :)

jin said...

YAY!!! You deserve it!!! Have fun, don't stress, oh yeah, & don't get snooty either...lolol

We're proud of you :-D

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to buy your book. I love the blog.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Great news, you deserve it!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Yes, yes, yes! Great news! I love it when great things happen to good people! Way to go, M!


Bumble Bee said...

Huge Congrats! Way to turn your outlet into some extra money!

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to buy it and a copy for all my friends...we'll have atop of the best seller list in no time. Jaime

Anonymous said...

I am new to your blog, and I am impressed both by it, and your ability to stay sane! I, too work a thankless job and I appreciate your hard work! I look forward to reading more of your blog, and your book when it comes out! Keep us posted, and congrats!

Anonymous said...

Congrats. The reason your blog has such a following isn't just because it's a unique perspective (how many cabbie woman bloggers are there, anyway?) but because you're such a great writer.

Anonymous said...


With your story, a book deal was inevitable.

Mr Sanguine said...

Good job on the blook deal! If you ever need pics of yourself in your cab (for publicity), drop me a note, I'll be in NYC this Thurs for a couple of days. Check my blog for a portfolio.

Emi D said...

Wow, what I shame I only just discovered your blog. It would have been cool to read it - live - from the start. You're another Julie & Julia - did you read that book? Bored secretary turns blogger turns author! Congratulations on the book deal!

Anonymous said...

You have a buyer in DAllas, Tx. Cant wait to read it!

Anonymous said...

Yes, Yes, Yes! You go girl! Pleeeeeese keep on writing the blog. I am a recently retired (and frustrated) teacher in Texas. Your blog has been a bright spot. I look forward to buying your book. Congrats!!!

Anonymous said...

Congrats. Love your blog... :)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations I love your blog..and now a book to look forward too.

Flora Pang said...

that's such a good news!

I'm so happy for you.

you have a very fulfilling life.

Unknown said...

Congrats! You are a well spoken (written?) person, and a good storyteller, so it's not surprising. NY Times Bestseller's List-- here you come! ;-) It's a well deserved victory.

Anonymous said...

Hey if that cook can get a book deal and his own show why the fuck cant you

Anonymous said...

Yippeeeee!!! That's what I call good news! Congrats! You totally deserve it! I can't wait to buy your book!

Anonymous said...

i will read your book!

well, someday. if the book translate to bahasa :D

Anonymous said...

Hmmm.... Wonder if that guy from the Air Link van will buy a copy?

MTM said...

YES YES YES,,, Yah I will so buy your book, you are such a talented writer.. So congrads & don't forget to let us know when it will be out, I will keep watch though.. Maryann

Greyhound Girl said...

way to go- that is so wonderful! Congrats!

Tim Zimm said...

oh my i'm so excited for you! I love your blog and undoubtly love your book, so you must post where to buy it when it comes out!!!

Anonymous said...

I will most definitely be reading that book. Your blogs are always interesting and am always sad when I have to wait for another day to read a new one.

Meredydd said...

Congratulations! you have such a frank and engaging writing style and I love reading your blog because you don't bullshit or candy coat. I hope you sell a million copies!

girl said...


Secret Mommy said...

Congrats from me, too. A new reader of your blog, but already a huge fan! (Keep that line in mind for a title, the one I commented on about the skin doctor...) :-)

Yes, you'll have to let us know the particulars when it's time to buy so we can all go out and get it!!!!

Jonathan said...

congratulations. please keep us updated on the status of the book but please eep up your blog. ALSO- when your book does come out, is there any way to get an autographed hardcopy from you? I'll pay extra..hopefully you'll offer some sort of deal with autographs on your blog.
leave me a comment on my blog if you're interested.

Anonymous said...

This is great news. I've visited New York only once (for work) and did not get to see a lot so you've brought New York to me as you do for so many others. Can't wait for your book. Maybe we'll see you on Oprah!

Anonymous said...

Yay! I was surprised at how happy I was for you - you're quite the celebrity. All these people chummy with you.
Way to go after it, and also yay for continuing your blog.


Anonymous said...


reading your blog from CA and am ecstatic about your book. i'll be the first in line ;)

Anonymous said...

Congrats!! I knew your writing had potential! Looking forward to reading your book!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

That is fantastic! Congratulations! I am sure your parents are a little more pleased with your choice of a job now!!

Anonymous said...

Congrats to you! From what I have seen of your writing, your book will be super successful! I just wish I had found your blog sooner. I miss the daily updates. But now that I know how busy you are writing a BOOK, I can forgive your absence more.

Nancy Toby said...


Don't you need to put up a little Amazon link in your sidebar now so that we can all order ADVANCE FUCKING COPIES!!??

Seriously, many congratulations!

Anonymous said...

I've been reading your blog since the AP story came out, but have never commented before. Congratulations on the book deal!

Anonymous said...

Way to go!! You are such a great writer, I always read your blog! Look forward to the book!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!! You deserve it!!! Can not wait to read the book
We're so proud of you!!!

Anonymous said...

Cool! Congratulations and best wishes! Love your blog and I look forward to reading your book.

Anonymous said...


Your book is going to be awesome. I am looking forward to the publication. Have fun with the book. Do not make it a job.

Marie K.

Anonymous said...

Wow, what great news! I've been enjoying your blog for a while now. So what's next, a sitcom or movie deal? That would be awesome!

Anonymous said...

wow, congratulations! I love your blog and I'm sure I'll love your book as well. I can't wait to buy and read your book!

Anonymous said...

kudos.....go girl

Paradise Driver said...

Way to go!!!!

As an earlier poster said. Don't forget about links to Amazon and Barnes & Noble, etc. when it is appropriate. We'll make you #1 on all the on-line bookstores.

This Mau'i cabbie will buy it.

Anonymous said...

I wish you the best success, as I enjoy reading this blog... but I wonder, how will this blog writing about your life as a cabbie translate into a book?

I mean, it's one thing to write an entertaining blog, and yet quite another to write a book that people will actually want to buy and read a few times and loan to friends, etc.

My point is that when we read about your adventures on a blog, it's given to us a little bit at a time... so I think it doesn't quite seem as repetitive as it surely is (ie. how many of your entries are about getting cussed at? or cut off? or drunk passengers who want to go to strip clubs?)... but with a book, your readership is likely to consume a couple hundred pages in one sitting... how are you going to keep it from sounding repetitive? what is the narrative here? is it autobiographical? how is it going to be compelling?

Anonymous said...

AHH! So exciting! Big congratulations, about time your style was introduced to the bigger world. Best of luck love.

Anonymous said...

I had to hold my breath - because I thought you were going to say "this is it..I've got a book deal - no more of this cab driving!" Congratulations - and I do so look forward to reading it! It is sure to be great!

Ed B. said...

Awesome! I'm so happy for you MP!
Definitely gonna keep my eye out for that one.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely fabulous! Thoroughly enjoy reading your every word...will definitely buy the book!

Anonymous said...

i read your blog when i'm homesick, it brings NYC in my tallahassee apartment.

Tag said...

Keep sharing!
An avid fan wishing you well & congrats.

Flea said...

Just came across your Blogg yesterday,
It's in my bookmarks as Favourite Bloggs!
Well done!
From: Perth, Western Australia

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!!!! It's a great blog, and I'm sure the book will be even better. Again, congrats!

Anonymous said...

I have only recently started reading, but I LOVE your writing and I am so happy for you!! Can't wait to to read the book:) I guess you just never know where life will lead you next:)

Anonymous said...

I am very confused, am i reading something different to everyone else or is everyone else american?

i stumbled accross it and seeing as you seem to think so much of yourself i thought i had better stick it out... I don't see any creative flair for writing apart from basic 'i did this...' blogger style, the pictures are amateur and whilst the content is very mildly interesting i have seen plenty of female cabbies, and they don't winge half as much about lack of tipping- they just get on with the job!

And if you didn't want to pick that guy up who went to the airport then why bother? surely you either want the job or you don't?! and i'd figure by the sounds of your wages you do, so less winging, more driving perhaps!

Anonymous said...

I am very confused, am i reading something different to everyone else or is everyone else american?

i stumbled accross it and seeing as you seem to think so much of yourself i thought i had better stick it out... I don't see any creative flair for writing apart from basic 'i did this...' blogger style, the pictures are amateur and whilst the content is very mildly interesting i have seen plenty of female cabbies, and they don't winge half as much about lack of tipping- they just get on with the job!

And if you didn't want to pick that guy up who went to the airport then why bother? surely you either want the job or you don't?! and i'd figure by the sounds of your wages you do, so less winging, more driving perhaps!

Anonymous said...

Well, I am not "American" and I love the writing. Apparently the book publishers like it too. So there!!!

Anonymous said...

I can't believe that idiot just wrote that on a comment. Last nite, I forwarded your blog to several of my friends overseas, and 2 of them wrote ME back telling saying they loved it. I told them to tell U! One of them lived in London, and the other was from South Africa. So, there....and, BTW, congrats on your book deal;)

kyle said...

I just discovered your blog this weekend & look forward to reading more :)


Anonymous said...

Far Out & Groovy for you!!! 'Bout time one of the little "guy's" get the goods! Next up...Oprah!(My advice; Pass on Oprah, hold out for John Stewert)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations. That is reall cool news. I must say that I go to your blog daily to look for the updates. I look forward to seeing the book (hopefully we will get it in Australia).

Anonymous said...

That is really great! I'm glad for you. I will be looking forward to seeing your book. Be safe!

Stu said...

Congrats on the book deal!! that's great news

The Pirate said...

I fucking knew it!! Slammed thru all your posts in one session, only a week ago, told all my friends that you were a must read and mark my words-she'll have her own book, soon. Wahoo, they'll think I'm a fortune-teller :)

Congratulations, its a warm, fuzzy feeling when good things happen to nice people!! Milk it for all it's worth-fame, fortune and the experience-you deserve it.

Anonymous said...

Congrats.You deserve itand yes if you keep writing i will keeping reading .Let us know when your book comes out so us your fans can go buy it and again Congrats

The Pirate said...

I am on a ship right now, with about 17 different nationalities. So far they all give NEW YORK HACK two thumbs up-that anonymous guy's a wanker, my British buddy just said over my shoulder:)

Anonymous said...

Hey this is Kavitha from India, I have been raeadin your blogs for sometime now but this is the first time that I am wrintin a comment... Your blogs have given me a great perspective of your profession....Needless to say they make my day better.... Kudos on the new book project... U deserve it!!!!

Anonymous said...

ah yes dreams do come true. how wonderful!

congrats :)

Anonymous said...

Really happy to hear your great news! You're a prime candidate to write a book like this. The old guys may have more material, but they don't have the youthful exuberance needed to actually sit down for hours and write. Will be happy when it's published.

Anonymous said...

I recently learned about you from a story on NPR. Now I read your blogs regularly. Great to hear about the book deal!!! Best of luck on the sales of your book.

Anonymous said...

congrats...i am a college student upstate but i am orginally from queens...i drive a cab at night for extra cash...i love reading your blogs...it gives me a sense of home which i need sometimes....cant wait to read the book.....keep it up

Anonymous said...

Some advice hon, you have a 'family' now. I would advise you to post on the blog everyday as family gets hooked and need you to feed them so to speak.

Do you have to say Fuck so much? BTW, good fucking luck.*lol* Love. BBC

Anonymous said...

@Anonymous .... Had to ask this to Anonymous... Care to reveal who you are if (at least) you think your comnments are genuine? Nothin wrong in criticising but there is a way to do it if you din know....

Kavitha again...

Anonymous said...

Hey way to go!

Anonymous said...

Congradulations! Hope you are on your way!

Rob said...

Congratulations! Your posts are always a great read, and I'm sure your book will be too!


Teutsch said...

Your story is an inspiration to anyone who has a blog! Congratulations!

Random Profiler said...

AWESOME!! This was the logical next step. But don't let anyone change your writing style--it rocks!

Anonymous said...


Chris said...

Congrats! I will pre-order it the day I can! :-)

Anonymous said...

Hey, you really deserve it! Keep up the great work!

Anonymous said...

So is it what they call a "blook"? Or are you doing something completely different? And should the other cabbies be nervous???

Anonymous said...

yah yah yipee yipee yah, yipee yah!
Great, that's nice to hear!
I won't be surprised if u go on to win a booker-prize one day.

All the very best!

Anonymous said...

Well, didn't I just know it!?!?!?!
Way to go, MP! I'm going to break two of my cardinal rules by bying a nonfiction book and buying it in hardcover (if it comes in h.c). You had to know you were heading this way by the throng of fans you have drawn. But, the best indicator of your success is that someone WITHOUT A BOOK DEAL doesn't think you can write. In truth, you can't be a good writer until you do it well enough to make jealous assholes like that start throwing bombs at you. You are definitely there now.
American or not, I love to read your blog because of your style and perspective. You could make an hour of washing laundry seem interesting. And your "amateurish" photos are pretty darn good considering that they are taken from a taxicab.
WTF does "winge" mean anyway?
I'm happy for you.

Anonymous said...

Awesome news.. I've always felt blogging is the fastest path to celebrity on the web... "If you write, they will come"!

Congrats on the book deal! Do we get autographed copies?

Anonymous said...

Congrats! Will surely read ur book once it reaches India :)

Anonymous said...

I have just recently started reading your posts and I have become addicted to what I will read next. Congratulations! Keep up the great work, and I can't wait to purchase your book.

Anonymous said...

Awesome! listen to camille saint-saens, he's good

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, you certainly deserve this.

Eitak and Nairb said...

Wow!!!! That is so cool. I am very happy for you. You definitely deserve it and have a unique writing style that is very entertaining and fun! I wish you all the best!!!!!

Unknown said...

We only took a taxi once (from LaGuardia to Washington Heights) when we were in New York City last week for vacation, and I was hoping it would be a female driver so I could ask if possibly she wrote a popular blog, but no such luck.

Anyway, thumbs up on the book deal! And yes, I think it's safe to assume that we'll keep reading, so hopefully you'll keep writing... and driving.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! It's about time!
I look forward to the book, but my love for your blog will keep me going! :)
Keep up the the good work!

Monique said...

Wow thats fucken awesome man!!!!!! Good work, do keep writing my internet time would be so boring without your blog lol!

Anonymous said...

Me: im mad at the cab driver
whenweknewitall: new york cabby?
Me: yah
whenweknewitall: how come
Me: she didnt write me back
Me: and then she got a book deal
Me: so i think she is a snob

Anonymous said...

Don't you just LURVE the internet!

Please keep us updated on the book release so we can all run out and BUY it!

Will it contain your photos as well?

Stef said...

That is fantastic, congrats! There is something so intrusive or revealing that happens with the relationships between the cabbie and your passengers. Normally, I am quite, I enjoy being driven, and relish the opportunity to observe my city (Chicago) from the rear window. I enjoy reading about your experiences, and would enjoy your book. I hope that you keep your life in perspective and continue driving and blogging, because that is more tangible, and what you do is important; you get people to their destinations, you are the key in human events, and I would prefer to read about the daily encounters, rather than waiting for the next book.

Steve McFarland said...

hey, long-time reader here, and i just want to join on in with the congratulations! there's a reason these things happen... can't wait to see (& buy) the book!

Li said...

Congrats! Keep it going with the simplicity of words, subtle humor and originality! Can't wait to read the book! Love your writing. =)

SportyChick said...

Yay!!! Well done. I'll pre-order on Amazon tonight. Will you sign my copy?

Anonymous said...

you definitely deserve it! i've been reading your blog ever since i found it on yahoo about 6 months ago. you are very talented and deserve the best! i will definitely be buying your book and i'll be sure to tell everyone i know all about it!!

Sicilian said...

Congrats. . . . please post when your book will be available because many of your avid fans will want it.

Anonymous said...

You done good.

Anonymous said...

*yippeeeeeee* I started reading your blog a few weeks ago and read all the archives in one hit, so I your book will be great!! *clap clap clap clap*

PJ. Western Australia

chez bez said...

Wow! Serendipity or something.

I came home from a bad night at work tonight to news that someone wants to include one of my posts in a book.

But your news is way cooler! Congratulations!

Anonymous said...

I live in the city of Dubai, United Arab Emirates and Ive been a long time reader. Congratulations!

Anonymous said...

Really great news. I enjoy your blog as a male taxi driver of 25 years in Melbourne Australia and Auckland New Zealand. I enjoy your blog because your view is that Of a female. You take it all so personally. A guy taxi driver sees it all differently so I enjoy your insights. If I don't have a few run in , it hasn't been a good night.Please don't let fame go to your head.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

FUCK YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Contratz. Maybe you'll let us read your back pages.

Mathieu said...

Congradulations! Great announcement!

Brian Mc said...

Woo Hoo, way to go! I am so thrilled for you. You truly have the storytellers gift. I'd love to do your portrait for the jacket, I'm coming in from Portland, OR to do it, gratis! Keep up the great work. As "dswx" said, "love it when good things happen to good people!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Wow!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Please keep writing the blog and driving the cab. Do let us know what's the name of your book would be so that we can buy it.

BAF said...

Sensational news...It had to happen - brilliant style and pics.
I remember my first trip to NYC - vividly! A yellow Cab ride from JFK to The Roosevelt. UNBELIEVABLE!!! It was one hand on the horn a foot on the accelerator.
WE told the guy it one of 'lifes adventures'- needless to say We enjoyed the experience.
Keep us entertained..& the very best for the book.
BAF Auckland, New Zealand.
(By the way.. Winge is an Aussie term - meaning to complain or whine!! :-)

the mac 13 said...

Hey, new to your blog!

What would the tittle be? Cant wait to read your book!

wanderlust junkie said...

wow!!! congrats! love your blog ;-) keep writing, i'll definitely keep reading....

Anonymous said...

Hello M.P.,
I'm from the Philippines and I've been following your blog for sometime now. It's full of real life drama and very entertaining! Moreover, your writing style is impeccable.

Keep on writing!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! You certainly deserve it. Best luck.

par3182 said...

pre-order me a copy now.
congratulations; that's such great news.
i'm very happy for you.

Gregor's Blog said...


I read your Blog in the last few days and its really great!



Gregor's Blog said...


i read your Blog in the last few days, and i really enjoyed it!

It's really great!



Unknown said...

Congratulations! I just found your blog and read through a bunch of it. You write fantastically. I wanted to drive a cab when I was 16 but everyone I approached told me I was too young (which in retrospect I really, really was). Anyways, the point is, reading your blog lets me feel like I'm experiencing something I always wanted to try. Thanks for that :-)

Best of luck with the book!

Ian said...

Congratulatiosn! I'm another new convert from the UK - been following your blog for a couple of weeks, and I'm hooked!

Anonymous said...

Thats great I read every entry. I'll read the book.d

Anonymous said...

Congratulations and Good Luck!

Anonymous said...

WooHoo! Congrats!

Anonymous said...

Just make sure they release the book here in Australia - hate doing credit purchases on line!!! but if I have to I will.

Anonymous said...


High Power Rocketry said...

Good luck... There are something like 100,000 books a year printed.. :)

Bono is Brian Peppers!
Cant play Quake 3

Chuck said...

Outstanding, just do it the way you do and you'll be fine. Give em Hell!

Anonymous said...

I'm NOT surprised by your success!
Congratulations! I'll definitely be buying the book.

Chuck said...

I'm jealous, but because of you I will always remember to tip if I fart in a cab.

Anonymous said...


you certainly deserve not only the monetary perks, but the success as well! enjoy and keep writing! :)

LCC Katy said...



Anonymous said...

Yea!! Now we saw this coming a while ago, just don't leave us.......

Joergen said...

Congratulations to the book deal! I am impresed, although not surprised!


Anonymous said...

That's awesome....Your experiences will be such an interesting read.... Let us know the title and publication date.... Congrats!!!

Anonymous said...

clapping hands Bravo Bravo...Will be looking out for your 1st book to come out.. It's a sure bet it will be in the "Best Seller List"

NicFitKid said...

Huzzah! Three cheers for MP! Long live New York Hack!

Say, if you do a book tour, will you do it in a cab?

Anonymous said...

Way to go! I can't wait to read your book. Soon we'll be saying "We knew her when..."

Anonymous said...

Great news. Congrats!
So happy for you.

east village idiot said...

congratulations! you really earned it.

Anonymous said...

well done you! that is exciting news!

Anonymous said...

I love your blog and am looking foward to your book. Thank for brightening my day.

annmary said...

congratulations, its fun to read your blog even in Europe, I appreciate; go ahead and hopely comes your book soon!!!!

Anonymous said...

I love your blog and am looking foward to your book. Thanks for brightening my day.

Anonymous said...

I came across this via a friends recommendation. We both are born and raised on LI and take cabs everywhere in the city... so your blog makes me laugh hysterically... it's great that you got the book deal... let us know when it's out so I can grab a copy.

Anonymous said...

I have always enjoyed reading your work. A book would be fantastic.

Your good news has even brightened my day! Congratulations!

RussCinDC said...

Yeah, don't get too snooty, but congratulations, such good news!

Anonymous said...





Jacob Mathai said...

You have a great Blog !!

Anonymous said...

Love this! Nice Job!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Everytime I hail/tip a cabbie I think of you.

I can't wait to read your book.


Ramona said...

that is fantastic- your blog is oneof the very best out there. I make a point of visiting daily. I can't wait to read the book, no one deserves it more!
Melbourne Australia

Anonymous said...

I may be a boring accountant from Pennsylvania, but I have enjoyed your blog! Congrats on your book deal!!

Anonymous said...

I know that you keep seeing this but congrats....I love your blog because it helps me escape my dreary cubicle for at least part of the day...can't wait to read the book! keep on keepin' on!

Stitchin-Liz said...

Congratulations!! I love your blog and I'll definitely buy the book when it's out!

Tiffanie said...

Wow!!! CONGRATULATIONS. So cool. Good for you. YAY!

Foxtrot24 said...

As a New Yorker i gotta say that you made my day when i stumbled on your blog. Fucking amazing! You should not only look into writing, but seriously consider photography. The arts are calling your name! Congratulations!!!!

Dwight said...

Perhaps someday, a Daily Clip in the Newspapers as well for you? Sure hopin, cuz your Blog is a great read! Congratulations on the Book Deal.

Dwight (Mission Viejo, CA)

Annie said...

Congrats on the book deal. I've enjoyed reading your blog. I visit it frequently looking for my own set of ideas for my blog. I really enjoy the pictures you take from your camera phone and only wish I had a better camera (for one) and it serves as a constant reminder that I need to pay my cell phone bill quick...it's going on 2 months now without a payment. Ha! I love the theme about the pictures, the cab, the night, etc. It's so appropro for you. What's your book going to be about?

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to buy it! You have fans here in Chicago, and keep up the great work.

Anonymous said...


I've been rooting for you for a long time and this is awesome! Plus, look at all the lovely responses you're getting on the comments pages!

Don't abandon your humble fans when you become rich and famous :)

Anonymous said...

CONGRATULATIONS!! Be sure to keep us updated as to the release date.

Anonymous said...

Love your blog, can't wait to read the book. I'll be buying a copy for myself, and several for the library where I work. I'll recommend it to any and everyone who wants a fun read. Look out best seller list, here you come!

Congrats and thanks for all the laughs!

Anonymous said...

863That's awesome! I love your Blog and can't wait for the book! You'll have to keep us posted and let us know when it's coming out!
Rock on, chick!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! I always enjoy reading your blogs.

Anonymous said...

If it were not for the AP, I would not have found you. Congrats!

dpaste said...

Awesome. Good for you. There is "justice" after all.

Now about this weather...

Anonymous said...

Way to F'ing Go! I love your Blog and can't wait for the book.

Azhar said...

200 comments!OMG!Just be getting listed on featured blogs....omg...

Anonymous said...

Yea for you!! Congrats!

Holly Hodder said...

Brilliant. Genius. Well-deserved.

Owen said...

I'll join in on the congats going on. Only found your blog a few months ago, but it's been fun reading. Will be excited to see how your books is.

Anonymous said...

Out freakingrageous!

Monika said...

Congrats! I've always loved your blog, so I'm sure I'll love your book! I'm really happy for you!

Anonymous said...

Congrats! From a fellow writer (though not published), I am ecstatic for you! I promise to buy the book and support you! Keep up the great work. You have a similar writing style to Jack Kerouac.

Anonymous said...

I have discovered your blog two weeks ago, but i fell in love instantly. I am from Slovakia. Nothings happen here at all. Your blog brings me that big-apple-life right to my desktop. I really really like it. I will be the first person in Slovakia who will buy your book. Keep goin'! Daniel

Anonymous said...

Congrats. I wish I was that creative enough to write a whole book. Right now I'm having trouble making my brain come up with whole sentences for my blog.
The pictures are a complimentary asset to your blogs as well. I have to say that I hope I get into your cab when I visit NY in the summer holidays! (Don't expect a tip though, ---> poor student!)

Anonymous said...

As a professional writer myself, all I can say is...congratulations! You so deserve it!

Anonymous said...

How much for the movie rights?

You go girl...

Signed -
Avid Fan

Anonymous said...

every cabbie has a book in them, congrats and keep up the good work

Heather in Beautiful BC said...

Congratulations! I love the fact "blogspot" gives everyone the opportunity to achieve recognition. You are an inspiration and you've shown you have just the right "attitude". What a great "success story". I eagerly await your book!

Henrique said...

Well: congratulations!
I'm a recente reader of your blog, but it's already in the links side of my own blog.
Thank you for the readings!

Anonymous said...

Congrats! I'm looking forward to your book.

Anonymous said...


theinebriantgrape said...

fuckin' a!

theinebriantgrape said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

FAR FLIPPIN OUT GIRL!!!!! Wow so very cool CONGRATULATIONS! Keep the faith in yourself and do it :) You are an inspiration.

Guðrún K. said...

LOL I hope u get published in Iceland - would like to read your book!!

Grats mate!!

Anonymous said...

A big Texas congratulations!

Anonymous said...

wow, congratulations! i've been a fan of the blog since day 1 -- it's become a daily habit to check and see if there are any new posts. anyways, can't wait for the book to come out - think we can get some autographed copies???! ;)

meesh said...

Hooray! Congratulations! That is amazing. I am so happy for you. I love this blog and I promise I will go out and buy your book for full retail price when it comes out. :)
You are an inspiration, lady.

Oberon said...

........hmmm......i drove cab in san diego and santa barbara.......lots of fun and strange times huh?.......now i do a blog that i hope helps everyone to cope with the reality that is our lives.......been working on that book deal.......hope some of your luck rubs off on me too.....congrats and good luck.

Anonymous said...

Quantum leaps do take place.

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